This book is intended for mechanicians, engineering mathematicians, and, generally for theoretically inclined mechanical engineers. It has its origin in my Master's Thesis (J 957), which I wrote under the supervision of Professor Dr. R. Timman of the Delft TH and Dr. Ir. A. D. de Pater of Netherlands Railways. I did not think that the surface of the problem had even been scratched, so I joined de Pater, who had by then become Professor in the Engineering Mechanics Lab. of the Delft TH, to write my Ph. D. Thesis on it. This thesis (1967) was weil received in railway circles, which is due more...
This book is intended for mechanicians, engineering mathematicians, and, generally for theoretically inclined mechanical engineers. It has its origin ...
Stilling basins utili z ing a hydraulic jump for energy dissipation are w i d e l y used in hydraulic engineering . D a Vinci was the first to describe the hydraulic jump, and Bidone conducted classical experiments about 170 years ago . Stilling basins w e r e developed in the thirties with signif- cant design improvements being made during the last sixty years . Although w e l l - a c c e p t e d guidelines for a successful design are presently available, the information for the design of such dissipators is not yet compiled in book form . This book provides state-of-the-art information on...
Stilling basins utili z ing a hydraulic jump for energy dissipation are w i d e l y used in hydraulic engineering . D a Vinci was the first to describ...
All except three of the papers in this volume were presented at the colloquium on "L'Ontologie formelle aujourd'hui," Geneva, 3-5 June 1988. The three exceptions, the papers by David Armstrong, Uwe Meixner and Wolfgang Lenzen, were presented at the colloquium on "Properties," Zinal, June 1-3, 1990. It was, incidentally, at the second of these two colloquia that the European Society for Analytic Philosophy came into being. The fathers of analytic philosophy - Moore and Russell - were in no doubt that ontology or metaphysics as well as the topics oflanguage, truth and logic constituted the core...
All except three of the papers in this volume were presented at the colloquium on "L'Ontologie formelle aujourd'hui," Geneva, 3-5 June 1988. The three...
Within this landmark collection of papers, highly respected scientists and engineers from around the world present some ofthe latest research results in extreme value analyses for floods and droughts. Two approaches that are commonly employed in flood frequency analyses are the maximum annual flood and partial duration series or peak over threshold procedures. Recent theoretical advances as well as illustrative applications are described in detail for each of these approaches. Additionally, droughts and storms are systematically studied using appropriate probabilistic models. A major part...
Within this landmark collection of papers, highly respected scientists and engineers from around the world present some ofthe latest research resul...
International experts from around the globe present a rich variety of intriguing developments in time series analysis in hydrology and environmental engineering. Climatic change is of great concern to everyone and significant contributions to this challenging research topic are put forward by internationally renowned authors. A range of interesting applications in hydrological forecasting are given for case studies in reservoir operation in North America, Asia and South America. Additionally, progress in entropy research is described and entropy concepts are applied to various water...
International experts from around the globe present a rich variety of intriguing developments in time series analysis in hydrology and environmenta...
In this set of papers, experts from around the world present the latest and most promising approaches to both the theory and practice of effective environmental management. To achieve sustainable development, organizations and individual citizens must comply with environmental laws and regulations. Accordingly, a major contribution of this book is the presentation of original techniques for designing effective environmental policies, regulations, inspection procedures and monitoring systems. Interesting methods for modelling risk and decision-making problems are discussed from an...
In this set of papers, experts from around the world present the latest and most promising approaches to both the theory and practice of effective env...
Metaphor is one of the most frequently evoked but at the same time most poorly understood concepts in philosophy and literary theory. In recent years, several interesting approaches to metaphor have been presented or outlined. In this volume, authors of some of the most important new approaches re-present their views or illustrate them by means of applications, thus allowing the reader to survey some of the prominent ongoing developments in this field. These authors include Robert Fogelin, Susan Haack, Jaakko Hintikka (with Gabriel Sandu), Bipin Indurkhya and Eva Kittay (with Eric Steinhart)....
Metaphor is one of the most frequently evoked but at the same time most poorly understood concepts in philosophy and literary theory. In recent years,...
The theme of 'escape from metastable states', either via noise-assisted hop ping and/or quantum tunneling, is pivotal to many scientific disciplines. It impacts on suchdiversephysical, chemicalandbiologicalprocessesasdiffu sion in solids, chemical reactions per se, nucleation phenomenaand transfer ofmatter and information in biologicalcomplexes, to name only a few. With 'New Trends in Kramers' Reaction Rate Theory' this book fills yet another part of the multifaceted scope which underpins the Understanding of Chemical Reactivity. Since the publication of the comprehensive review about...
The theme of 'escape from metastable states', either via noise-assisted hop ping and/or quantum tunneling, is pivotal to many scientific disciplines. ...
It was during a pleasant and warm (both literally and figuratively) two week period in October, 1991 that a number of researchers, scholars and c1inicians from diverse lands gathered at the beautiful Chateau de Bonas, near Toulouse, France to discuss psychological, neuropsychological and neurolinguistic aspects of reading and writing disorders. The occasion for the serious disputations of theories, research findings and c1inical appli cations was the Advanced Study Institute (ASI) under the auspices of the Scientific Affairs Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). There was...
It was during a pleasant and warm (both literally and figuratively) two week period in October, 1991 that a number of researchers, scholars and c1inic...
Water is vital to life, maintenance of ecological balance, economic development, and sustenance of civilization. Planning and management of water resources and its optimal use are a matter of urgency for most countries of the world, and even more so for India with a huge population. Growing population and expanding economic activities exert increasing demands on water for varied needs--domestic, industrial, agricultural, power generation, navigation, recreation, etc. In India, agriculture is the highest user of water. The past three decades have witnessed numerous advances as well as have...
Water is vital to life, maintenance of ecological balance, economic development, and sustenance of civilization. Planning and management of water reso...