This book highlights the role that both infrastructure and governance play in the context of resilience and adaptation to climate variability and change. Eleven case studies analyze in-depth impacts of extreme events in projects, basins and regions in the Arid Americas (Unites States and Mexico), Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Nepal, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey and South Africa. They discuss the importance of infrastructure (mainly reservoirs) in adaptation strategies, how planning and management aspects should improve in response to changing climatic, economic, social and...
This book highlights the role that both infrastructure and governance play in the context of resilience and adaptation to climate variability and chan...
This book summarizes the key findings of a five-year interdisciplinary research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF).
This book summarizes the key findings of a five-year interdisciplinary research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Educatio...
Presenting a model for describing the hierarchical concept of China s water rights structure, including pioneering theories on natural resources and environmental institutional economics, this book assesses the basic theory of water rights to help Chinese policymakers develop a reform program in the long-term development of water-poor China.
Presenting a model for describing the hierarchical concept of China s water rights structure, including pioneering theories on natural resources and e...
This book highlights the application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and nature based algorithms to solve the problems of water and water based renewable energy resources.
This book highlights the application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and nature based algorithms to solve the problems of water and water bas...
This book highlights what are likely to be the future megatrends in the water sector and why and how they should be incorporated to improve water governance in the coming decades.
This book highlights what are likely to be the future megatrends in the water sector and why and how they should be incorporated to improve water gove...
This book highlights the relationship between the water sector and various other sectors in order to establish an improved understanding of the importance of water resources as an essential cross-cutting vector of socio-economic development.
This book highlights the relationship between the water sector and various other sectors in order to establish an improved understanding of the import...
This book highlights the development of lake systems and water reservoirs as well as the impact of climate change on water resources in Central Asian countries.
This book highlights the development of lake systems and water reservoirs as well as the impact of climate change on water resources in Central Asian ...