The hilarious manga classic featuring beautiful space alien princess Lum! Beautiful space alien princess Lum invades Earth on her UFO, and unlucky Ataru Moroboshi’s world gets turned upside down! What unimaginable shenanigans will Lum bring to Ataru’s life? One thing’s for sure—nearly every moment is electrifying with her around! Mendo’s secret past is suddenly revealed! Driven by empathy—or perhaps friendship, or maybe just curiosity—Ataru and the gang journey to Mendo’s childhood to address the roots of his incurable claustrophobia. Later, the principal is inspired to...
The hilarious manga classic featuring beautiful space alien princess Lum! Beautiful space alien princess Lum invades Earth on her UFO, and unlucky At...
The hilarious manga classic featuring beautiful space alien princess Lum! Beautiful space alien princess Lum invades Earth on her UFO, and unlucky Ataru Moroboshi’s world gets turned upside down! Will Lum become Earth’s electrifying new leader? Or will Ataru somehow miraculously save Earth from space alien onslaught? Once again, Lum has introduced a bizarre menace to Earth, causing her classmates to quake with fear—a judge who “vanishes” performers whose Hidden Talent Show acts are deemed subpar! Later, Mendo is shocked by the sudden announcement of his arranged marriage to a...
The hilarious manga classic featuring beautiful space alien princess Lum! Beautiful space alien princess Lum invades Earth on her UFO, and unlucky At...
The hilarious manga classic featuring beautiful space alien princess Lum! Beautiful space alien princess Lum invades Earth on her UFO, and unlucky Ataru Moroboshi’s world gets turned upside down! Will Lum become Earth’s electrifying new leader? Or will Ataru somehow miraculously save Earth from space alien onslaught? Once upon a time, a little shape-shifting fox heard a legend about a magical wedding dress that helps two fated lovers find their bliss. But what does destiny have in store for him and Shinobu when he shows up unannounced in Tomobiki Town?! Meanwhile, the Moroboshi family...
The hilarious manga classic featuring beautiful space alien princess Lum! Beautiful space alien princess Lum invades Earth on her UFO, and unlucky At...
The hilarious manga classic featuring beautiful space alien princess Lum! Beautiful space alien princess Lum invades Earth on her UFO, and unlucky Ataru Moroboshi’s world gets turned upside down! Will Lum become Earth’s electrifying new leader? Or will Ataru somehow miraculously save Earth from space alien onslaught? Lum is finally going on another date with Ataru! But while she’s waiting for him to show up, an eccentric young man arrives to claim that he fell in love with her at first sight. Normally Lum wouldn’t care, but Ataru is late for their date! Later, Mendo receives a...
The hilarious manga classic featuring beautiful space alien princess Lum! Beautiful space alien princess Lum invades Earth on her UFO, and unlucky At...
Als außerirdische Invasoren die Erde bedrohen, wird Oberschüler und Frauenheld Ataru Moroboshi ausgewählt, die Menschheit zu retten. Dafür muss er mit der hübschen Lum fangen spielen. Klingt einfacher als es ist, denn Lum besitzt einige außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten, die es Ataru schwer machen. Motiviert durch seine Kindheitsfreundin Shinobu, die verspricht ihn zu heiraten sollte er gewinnen, gelingt es Ataru dennoch im letzten Moment zu siegen. Dummerweise glaubt Lum, er hätte ihr einen Heiratsantrag gemacht! Kurzerhand zieht sie ungefragt bei ihm ein, nennt sie ihn ab jetzt Darling...
Als außerirdische Invasoren die Erde bedrohen, wird Oberschüler und Frauenheld Ataru Moroboshi ausgewählt, die Menschheit zu retten. Dafür muss er...