This is a small book on algebra where the stress is laid on the structure of ?elds, hence its title. Youwillhearaboutequations, bothpolynomialanddi?erential, andabout the algebraic structure of their solutions. For example, it has been known for centuries how to explicitely solve polynomial equations of degree 2 (Baby- nians, many centuries ago), 3 (Scipione del Ferro, Tartaglia, Cardan, around th 1500a.d.), and even 4 (Cardan, Ferrari, xvi century), using only algebraic operations and radicals (nth roots). However, the case of degree 5 remained unsolved until Abel showed in 1826 that a...
This is a small book on algebra where the stress is laid on the structure of ?elds, hence its title. Youwillhearaboutequations, bothpolynomialanddi?er...