The first edition of this Monograph on Cancer Detection was published by the Inter national Union Against Cancer (U.I.CC) in 1966. Since that time the Committee respon sible for that Monograph has gained considerable experience through the organization of a cervical screening programme in Santiago, Chile and a symposium on the evaluation of mass screening programmes in Sheffield, England. The knowledge acquired from these activities, together with the practical advice from participants and the introduction of new techniques of cancer detection have prompted the Committee to revise completely...
The first edition of this Monograph on Cancer Detection was published by the Inter national Union Against Cancer (U.I.CC) in 1966. Since that time the...
The downward displacement in stomach cancer mortality among Japanese migrants to the United States and their descendants provides an opportunity to see whether the changes in risk can be associated with changes in customs, occupation or other environmental exposures traceable to migration. Case- control studies in two prefectures of Japan and in Hawaii and California undertaken with this objective in mind are described. Some preliminary results from interviewing in Miyagi prefecture on the association of selected items of diet with stomach cancer are presented and discussed. References ArRD,...
The downward displacement in stomach cancer mortality among Japanese migrants to the United States and their descendants provides an opportunity to se...
The International Union Against Can- knowledge of what to do or how to do it; cer convened a Conference on the to identify the nature of, and reason for, Chemotherapy of Choriocarcinoma in the successful chemotherapeutic results in Baguio City, Philippines to focus atten- trophoblastic neoplasia (whether this be tion on the therapy of neoplasms of the specificity of drugs, the nature of the trophoblast. allogenic graft or characteristics of the Cures of cancer are of concern to every specific cells); and to determine the cau- man. The oldest therapy of cancer likely ses for failures (whether...
The International Union Against Can- knowledge of what to do or how to do it; cer convened a Conference on the to identify the nature of, and reason f...
The incidence of ovarian cancer has progressively increased during the past decade, and its mortality rate has followed a similar course. Conversely, in cancer of the uterine cervix, the mortality rate has diminished. Detection and early diag nosis have been the two responsible factors in achieving the decrease in the number of deaths occurring in cancer of the cervix. The revers is true in cancer of the ovary: diagnosis as a rule is only established late, when dissemination has already occurred, thus making the control of the disease much more difficult. Clinical staging thus far has not...
The incidence of ovarian cancer has progressively increased during the past decade, and its mortality rate has followed a similar course. Conversely, ...
This monograph is essentially the outcome of corporate endeavour on the part of members of the Committee on Public Education of the International Union against Cancer, from the decision taken in September 1963, via a lengthy and arduous rework ing of the first draft in Philadelphia in 1964 to its final editorial meeting in September 1965. In between there has been a continuous exchange of ideas, suggestions, advice and material for inclusion. Nevertheless, as chairman I should be remiss if I did not acknowledge the Committee's indebtedness to Mr. MICHAEL S. GOOD STADT, formerly of the...
This monograph is essentially the outcome of corporate endeavour on the part of members of the Committee on Public Education of the International Unio...