Frutto dell'esperienza decennale come supporto per la didattica di laboratori di fisica sia a livello di corsi triennali che di corsi di laurea magistrale, il libro si è concretizzato nella "responsabilità" di tali corsi di laboratorio per fornire un opera di utilizzo dei vari strumenti, che un approccio sperimentale alla fisica richiede. Si parte dalla descrizione delle problematiche delle incertezze in modo operativo e si introducono i concetti fondamentali per l'analisi dei dati e la misura. Invece di una serie dispersiva di testi, con approcci, convenzioni e simbolismi differenti, poco...
Frutto dell'esperienza decennale come supporto per la didattica di laboratori di fisica sia a livello di corsi triennali che di corsi di laurea magist...
This textbook offers an advanced undergraduate or initial graduate level introduction to topics such as kinetic theory, equilibrium statistical mechanics and the theory of fluctuations from a modern perspective. The aim is to provide the reader with the necessary tools of probability theory and thermodynamics (especially the thermodynamic potentials) to enable subsequent study at advanced graduate level. At the same time, the book offers a bird's eye view on arguments that are often disregarded in the main curriculum courses. Further features include a focus on the interdisciplinary nature of...
This textbook offers an advanced undergraduate or initial graduate level introduction to topics such as kinetic theory, equilibrium statistical mechan...
This book is based on a series of lectures for an Astrophysics of the Interstellar Medium (ISM) master’s degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology at Padova University.
From the cold molecular phase in which stars and planetary systems form, to the very hot coronal gas that surrounds galaxies and galaxy clusters, the ISM is everywhere. Studying its properties is vital for the exploration of virtually any field in astronomy and cosmology. These notes give the student a coherent and accurate mathematical and physical approach, with continuous references to the real ISM in...
This book is based on a series of lectures for an Astrophysics of the Interstellar Medium (ISM) master’s degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology a...
This textbook on Feynman integrals starts from the basics, requiring only knowledge of special relativity and undergraduate mathematics. Feynman integrals are indispensable for precision calculations in quantum field theory. At the same time, they are also fascinating from a mathematical point of view. Topics from quantum field theory and advanced mathematics are introduced as needed. The book covers modern developments in the field of Feynman integrals. Topics included are: representations of Feynman integrals, integration-by-parts, differential equations, intersection theory,...
This textbook on Feynman integrals starts from the basics, requiring only knowledge of special relativity and undergraduate mathematics. Feynman in...
This book provides a clear understanding of quantum mechanics (QM) by developing it from fundamental postulates in an axiomatic manner, as its central theme. The target audience is physics students at master’s level. It avoids historical developments, which are piecemeal, not logically well knitted, and may lead to misconceptions. Instead, in the present approach all of QM and all its rules are developed logically starting from the fundamental postulates only and no other assumptions. Specially noteworthy topics have been developed in a smooth contiguous fashion following the central...
This book provides a clear understanding of quantum mechanics (QM) by developing it from fundamental postulates in an axiomatic manner, as its central...