H. P. Baltes We begin the introductory chapter with a general definition of the inverse optical problem. Next, we discuss the role of prior knowledge and the questions of uniqueness and stability. We then review the various specific inverse problems in optics as well as the contents of Chapters 2 to 6. Finally, we summarize the notation in co herence theory. 1. 1 Direct and Inverse Problems in Optical Physics The "direct" or "normal" problem in optical physics is to: Jredict the emission or propagation of radiation on the basis of a known constitution of sources or scat terers. The "inverse"...
H. P. Baltes We begin the introductory chapter with a general definition of the inverse optical problem. Next, we discuss the role of prior knowledge ...
The Raman effect is a most useful tool for the study of molecular vibrations and molecular structure. Information about the structure and symmetry of molecules, as well as about their vibrational energies can be obtained to a reasonable degree of satisfaction from their infrared and Raman vibrational spectra. The body of knowl- edqe of the vibrational infrared and Raman spectra of molecules is immense and is now so well organized and understood that it is found to be represented in any stan- dard upper level undergraduate curriculum in chemistry. The rotational energies of a molecule and...
The Raman effect is a most useful tool for the study of molecular vibrations and molecular structure. Information about the structure and symmetry of ...
This Topics volume is devoted to a study of sound propagation in the ocean. The effect of the interior of the ocean on underwater sound is analogous to the effect of a lens on light. The oceanic lens is related, as in light propagation, to the index of refraction of the medium. The latter is giv n by the ratio of the sound frequency to the speed of sound in water, typi ca lly about 1500 m s -1. It is the vari ation of the sound speed due to changing temperature, density, salinity, and pres sure in the complex ocean environment which creates the lens effect. Many oceanic processes such as...
This Topics volume is devoted to a study of sound propagation in the ocean. The effect of the interior of the ocean on underwater sound is analogous t...
Synchrotron radiation as a spectroscopic research tool has undergone a most inter esting and astonishing historical development and has now come to the stage of an exciting boom. The machines which produce synchrotron radiation were built and de veloped exclusively for other purposes in the past, namely high-energy physics. At the same time, however, they involuntarily became better and better light sources for the spectral range from the visible to the hard x-ray region. Now we are at the point that the first few storage rings have gone into operation as machines dedicated to synchrotron...
Synchrotron radiation as a spectroscopic research tool has undergone a most inter esting and astonishing historical development and has now come to th...
In condensed matter initially fast positrons annihilate after having reached equi librium with the surroundings. The interaction of positrons with matter is governed by the laws of ordinary quantum mechanics. Field theory and antiparticle properties enter only in the annihilation process leading to the emergence of energetic photons. The monitoring of annihilation radiation by nuclear spectroscopic methods provides valuable information on the electron-positron system which can directly be related to the electronic structure of the medium. Since the positron is a positive electron its behavior...
In condensed matter initially fast positrons annihilate after having reached equi librium with the surroundings. The interaction of positrons with mat...
Superionic conductors are solids whose ionic conductivities approach, and in some cases exceed, those of molten salts and electrolyte solutions. This implies an un usual state of matter in which some atoms have nearly liquidlike mobility while others retain their regular crystalline arrangement. This liquid-solid duality has much appeal to condensed matter physicists, and the coincident development of powerful new methods for studying disordered solids and interest in superionic conductors for technical applications has resulted in a new surge of activity in this venerable field. It is the...
Superionic conductors are solids whose ionic conductivities approach, and in some cases exceed, those of molten salts and electrolyte solutions. This ...
Contents: Cho, K.: Introduction. - Cho, K.: Internal Structure of Excitons. - Dean, P. J. /-01Herbert, D. C.-02: Bound Excitons in -Semiconductors. - Fischer, B. /Lagois, J.: Surface Exciton Polaritons. - Yu, P. Y.: Study of Excitons and Exciton-Phonon Interactions by Resonant Raman and Brillouin Spectroscopies."
Contents: Cho, K.: Introduction. - Cho, K.: Internal Structure of Excitons. - Dean, P. J. /-01Herbert, D. C.-02: Bound Excitons in -Semiconductors. - ...
Towards the end of the 1960s, a number of quite different circumstances combined to launch a period of intense activity in the digital processing of electron micro graphs. First, many years of work on correcting the resolution-limiting aberrations of electron microscope objectives had shown that these optical impediments to very high resolution could indeed be overcome, but only at the cost of immense exper imental difficulty; thanks largely to the theoretical work of K. -J. Hanszen and his colleagues and to the experimental work of F. Thon, the notions of transfer func tions were beginning...
Towards the end of the 1960s, a number of quite different circumstances combined to launch a period of intense activity in the digital processing of e...
The suggestion by Dr. Franklin S. Harris, Jr., that these books be written arose pursuant to the editor's plaints that despite the implicitly or explicitly ack nowledged importance of both aerosols and particulate matter in innumerable domains of technology and human welfare, investigations of these subjects were generally not supported independently of the narrowest conceivable domains of their appli cations. Frank Harris, who has long been a contributor in one of the important domains of aerosol macrophysics, atmospheric optics, challenged the editor to elaborate his views. Ideally, they...
The suggestion by Dr. Franklin S. Harris, Jr., that these books be written arose pursuant to the editor's plaints that despite the implicitly or expli...
The theory of the chemical interaction of molecules with surfaces has advanced handsomely in the last few years. This is due in part to the application of the entire arsenal of bulk solid-state theory and molecular quantum chemistry methods. This considerable activity was stimulated by an outpouring of experimental data, particularly of photoemission spectra. In many cases the theoretical techniques are now such that accurate, atomistic pictures of chemisorption phenomena are computed from first principles. This level of capability has been reached only recently, and has not been described...
The theory of the chemical interaction of molecules with surfaces has advanced handsomely in the last few years. This is due in part to the applicatio...