Credit is essential in the modern world and creates wealth, provided it is used wisely. The Global Credit Crisis during 2008/2009 has shown that sound understanding of underlying credit risk is crucial. If credit freezes, almost every activity in the economy is affected. The best way to utilize credit and get results is to understand credit risk.
Advanced Credit Risk Analysis and Management helps the reader to understand the various nuances of credit risk. It discusses various techniques to measure, analyze and manage credit risk for both lenders and borrowers. The book...
Credit is essential in the modern world and creates wealth, provided it is used wisely. The Global Credit Crisis during 2008/2009 has shown that so...
A wealth of international case studies illustrating current issues and emerging best practices in enterprise risk management
Despite enterprise risk management's relative newness as a recognized business discipline, the marketplace is replete with guides and references for ERM practitioners. Yet, until now, few case studies illustrating ERM in action have appeared in the literature. One reason for this is that, until recently, there were many disparate, even conflicting definitions of what, exactly ERM is and, more importantly, how organizations can use it to utmost advantage. With...
A wealth of international case studies illustrating current issues and emerging best practices in enterprise risk management
Thorough, accessible coverage of the key issues in XVA
XVA - Credit, Funding and Capital Valuation Adjustments provides specialists and non-specialists alike with an up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of Credit, Debit, Funding, Capital and Margin Valuation Adjustment (CVA, DVA, FVA, KVA and MVA), including modelling frameworks as well as broader IT engineering challenges. Written by an industry expert, this book navigates you through the complexities of XVA, discussing in detail the very latest developments in valuation adjustments including the impact of...
Thorough, accessible coverage of the key issues in XVA
XVA - Credit, Funding and Capital Valuation Adjustments provides specia...
A unique, international approach to optimal real estate financing
Property Finance is an authoritative guide to both the financial and legal issues surrounding real estate financing. Unique in its exclusive focus on the topic, this book builds from a solid theoretical foundation to provide practical tools and real-world solutions. Beginning with a discussion of the general issues encountered in real estate finance from an international perspective, the authors delve into country-specific information and set out the legal peculiarities of eight important countries (Germany,...
A unique, international approach to optimal real estate financing
Property Finance is an authoritative guide to both the financial an...
A value management framework designed specifically for banking and insurance
The Value Management Handbook is a comprehensive, practical reference written specifically for bank and insurance valuation and value management. Spelling out how the finance and risk functions add value in their respective spheres, this book presents a framework for measuring - and more importantly, influencing - the value of the firm from the position of the CFO and CRO. Case studies illustrating value-enhancing initiatives are designed to help Heads of Strategy offer CEOs concrete ideas toward...
A value management framework designed specifically for banking and insurance
The Value Management Handbook is a comprehensive, practi...
Commodity Option Pricing: A Practitioner's Guide covers commodity option pricing for quantitative analysts, traders or structurers in banks, hedge funds and commodity trading companies.
Based on the author's industry experience with commodity derivatives, this book provides a thorough and mathematical introduction to the various market conventions and models used in commodity option pricing. It introduces the various derivative products typically traded for commodities and describes how these models can be calibrated and used for pricing and risk management. The book has been...
Commodity Option Pricing: A Practitioner's Guide covers commodity option pricing for quantitative analysts, traders or structurers in banks,...
A practical problem solving reference for commodity and Forex derivatives
Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Finance provides an innovative reference for quantitative finance students and practitioners. Using a unique problem-solving approach, this invaluable guide bridges the gap between the theoretical and practical to impart a deeper understanding of the mathematical problems encountered in the finance industry. Volume IV: Commodity and Foreign Exchange Derivatives breaks down the complexity of the topic by walking you step-by-step through a variety of modelling...
A practical problem solving reference for commodity and Forex derivatives
Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Finance provides an ...
Your complete guide to mastering basic and advanced techniques for interest rate derivative modeling and pricing
Interest rate trading constitutes the largest sector of the world derivatives market. Interest rate contracts are a much valued risk management tool used by the majority of the world's largest companies. But interest rate derivative modeling and pricing are extremely challenging tasks, requiring a thorough knowledge and practical expertise in advanced discrete and continuous mathematical modeling methods-practical knowledge which can only be gained through extensive...
Your complete guide to mastering basic and advanced techniques for interest rate derivative modeling and pricing
Liquidity risk is in the spotlight of both regulators and management teams across the banking industry. The European banking regulator has introduced and implemented a stronger liquidity regulatory framework and local regulators have made liquidity a top priority on their supervisory agenda. Banks have accordingly followed suit. Liquidity risk is now a topic widely discussed in boardrooms as banks strive to set up a strong and efficient liquidity risk management framework which, while maintaining sufficient resources, does not jeopardize the necessary profitability and return targets.
Liquidity risk is in the spotlight of both regulators and management teams across the banking industry. The European banking regulator has introduc...
Introducing a revolutionary new quantitative approach to hybrid securities valuation and risk management
To an equity trader they are shares. For the trader at the fixed income desk, they are bonds (after all, they pay coupons, so what's the problem?). They are hybrid securities. Neither equity nor debt, they possess characteristics of both, and carry unique risks that cannot be ignored, but are often woefully misunderstood. The first and only book of its kind, The Handbook of Hybrid Securities dispels the many myths and misconceptions about hybrid securities and arms you...
Introducing a revolutionary new quantitative approach to hybrid securities valuation and risk management