Following an unprecedented event where Viking apparition Sveyn Hansen manifests enough of a presence to save Hollis McKenna's life, the resulting security videos of her barely visible "guardian angel" cause a flood of interest in the Arizona History and Cultural Museum from spiritualists, cable-television ghost hunters, and exorcizing priests. Hollis must somehow deal with the influx, while still preparing the Kensington collection for the upcoming opening of the museum's new wing, and wondering all the while how much of the Viking's presence might be detected and proved. At the wing's...
Following an unprecedented event where Viking apparition Sveyn Hansen manifests enough of a presence to save Hollis McKenna's life, the resulting secu...
When thrust back into his physical body in the same mortally injured state it was when he left it, Sveyn Hansen is in more pain than he could imagine was survivable. And when paramedics transport him to the hospital he has no ID, no birth certificate, no vaccinations, and no explanation of where he came from. Hollis McKenna leaves her own hospital bed to rescue him, claiming the confused and confusing man was raised as a Gypsy - the only explanation that was possible. Now, Hollis must find a way for this 11th Century Viking to become a legal and functional resident of the 21st Century. Added...
When thrust back into his physical body in the same mortally injured state it was when he left it, Sveyn Hansen is in more pain than he could imagine ...