Join Gabby Gomez A.K.A. Gum Girl as she juggles friends, school, and of course, saving the world using her bubblegum superpowers, in this thrilling and immersive superhero story. Gabby has a new friend by her side...former bully Natalie Gooch! With their friendship blossoming, Gabby is eager to fight for justice and protect her town. But when a substitute teacher returns to Fillmore Elementary acting un poco strange, Gabby learns that danger might be closer than it seems. Will a Gum Girl team finally assemble? Or will Gabby Gomez finally be stretched to her limits? Sink your teeth into a...
Join Gabby Gomez A.K.A. Gum Girl as she juggles friends, school, and of course, saving the world using her bubblegum superpowers, in this thrilling an...