George Orwell writing to his friend concluded that whilst working at the BBC he had kept our corner of it fairly clean. This book covers some of the work Orwell contributed to while at the BBC, as well as his reviews and publications. In addition to the magazine programme Voice, Orwell developed the Open University type broadcasts by distinguished speakers on texts set for Bombay and Calcutta university degrees. He enlisted speakers such as E.M. Forster, T.S. Eliot and Joseph Needham, and the broadcasts were backed up by publications printed in India for university students. Some of Orwell's...
George Orwell writing to his friend concluded that whilst working at the BBC he had kept our corner of it fairly clean. This book covers some of the w...
Despite the unremitting pressure of journalism during 1946, Orwell produced a major sequence of articles on The Intellectual Revolt, two radio plays and continued work on Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Despite the unremitting pressure of journalism during 1946, Orwell produced a major sequence of articles on The Intellectual Revolt, two radio plays a...