How much is your life worth? In the Territory of Ixia the government maintains control through the Code of Behaviour forbidding the practice of magic, but danger lurks in mysterious places...Imprisoned for murder Yelena Zaltana's punishment is death, until she is reprieved - for a price. As the Commander of Ixia's food taster she will risk assassination from poison daily, a position she would be a fool to refuse...In a world where magic equals death and freedom is for the lucky few, survival is all Yelena has and the battle for her life has just begun. A CHRONICLES OF IXIA NOVEL
How much is your life worth? In the Territory of Ixia the government maintains control through the Code of Behaviour forbidding the practice of magic,...
THE APPRENTICESHIP IS OVER NOW THE REAL TEST HAS BEGUN When word that Yelena is a Soulfinder - able to capture and release souls - spreads like wildfire, people grow uneasy. Already Yelena's unusual abilities and past have set her apart. As the Council debates Yelena's fate, she receives a disturbing message: a plot is rising against her homeland, led by a murderous sorcerer she has defeated before. Honour sets Yelena on a path that will test the limits of her skills, and the hope of reuniting with her beloved spurs her onward. Her journey is fraught with allies and enemies. Yelena will have...
THE APPRENTICESHIP IS OVER NOW THE REAL TEST HAS BEGUN When word that Yelena is a Soulfinder - able to capture and release souls - spreads like wildfi...
Als die Entdeckung ihrer magischen Fähigkeiten zu einem Hinrichtungsbefehl führt, bleibt Yelena nichts anderes übrig, als nach Sitia zu fliehen, ihrem lang verschollenen Geburtsort. Dort hat sie die Chance, ihre Familie wiederzufinden, die sie nie kennengelernt hat. Doch Sitia ist ihr fremd und die Menschen, denen sie zu vertrauen glaubte, begegnen ihr mit Misstrauen und Hass - sogar ihr eigener Bruder.
Dann bekommt Yelena die Chance, in die Hauptstadt zu reisen. In der Zitadelle kann sie ihre magischen...
Jenseits von Ixia liegen die Wurzeln der Magie...
Als die Entdeckung ihrer magischen Fähigkeiten zu einem Hinrichtungsbefeh...