For more than a century after the foretelling of his birth, Guardians from planet Carci scoured planet Earth in search of The One, the Great Warrior. Born with an IQ of 180 to a barren mother, he quickly realized he possessed special abilities. Aided by Guardians, not from his world, he achieved his destiny. Unknown to him, fulfilling his destiny on planet Earth was only half of the prophecy. To become the Great Warrior, a Guardian of Carci, he had to be reborn.
For more than a century after the foretelling of his birth, Guardians from planet Carci scoured planet Earth in search of The One, the Great Warrior. ...
With all memories of planet Earth erased during rebirth, the Great Warrior, accompanied by his Protector, set out to fulfill the prophesy. Angered by the destruction of his Protector and a total memory recall, he realized nothing was as it seemed. To accept his future, he had to come to grips with his past. As foretold by the prophesy, a traitor conspired to rule the galaxy. Abducting humans from planet Earth and transforming them to Leets, programmable warriors with telepathic abilities, the traitor led his warriors into battle; a battle between Guardians and Leets. Unknown to the Great...
With all memories of planet Earth erased during rebirth, the Great Warrior, accompanied by his Protector, set out to fulfill the prophesy. Angered by ...