Set in a world of dark gods and dangerous magic, The Shadow Saint is the gripping, darkly inventive sequel to Gareth Hanrahan's acclaimed debut The Gutter Prayer
Set in a world of dark gods and dangerous magic, The Shadow Saint is the gripping, darkly inventive sequel to Gareth Hanrahan's acclaimed debut The Gu...
Set in a world of dark gods and dangerous magic, The Gutter Prayer is an epic tale of sorcerers and thieves, treachery and revenge, from a remarkable new voice in fantasy
Set in a world of dark gods and dangerous magic, The Gutter Prayer is an epic tale of sorcerers and thieves, treachery and revenge, from a remarkable ...
Set in a world of dark gods and dangerous magic, The Broken God is a gripping, darkly inventive fantasy tale in the series that began with Gareth Hanrahan's acclaimed The Gutter Prayer
Set in a world of dark gods and dangerous magic, The Broken God is a gripping, darkly inventive fantasy tale in the series that began with Gareth Hanr...