Over the past decade there has been an increasing demand for suitable material in the area of mathematical modelling as applied to science, engineering, business and management. Recent developments in computer technology and related software have provided the necessary tools of increasing power and sophistication which have significant implications for the use and role of mathematical modelling in the above disciplines. In the past, traditional methods have relied heavily on expensive experimentation and the building of scaled models, but now a more flexible and cost effective approach is...
Over the past decade there has been an increasing demand for suitable material in the area of mathematical modelling as applied to science, engineerin...
This book is based on the lecture notes from a course we taught at Penn State University during the fall of 2002. The main goal of the course was to give a complete and detailed proof of the Morse Homology Theorem (Theo rem 7.4) at a level appropriate for second year graduate students. The course was designed for students who had a basic understanding of singular homol ogy, CW-complexes, applications of the existence and uniqueness theorem for O.D.E.s to vector fields on smooth Riemannian manifolds, and Sard's Theo rem. We would like to thank the following students for their participation in...
This book is based on the lecture notes from a course we taught at Penn State University during the fall of 2002. The main goal of the course was to g...
This book is an extensively revised version of my textbook "Yesodot HaAlgebra HaLiniarit" (The Foundations of Linear Algebra) used at many universities in Israel. It is designed for a comprehensive one-year course in linear algebra (112 lecture hours) for mathematics majors. Therefore, I assume that the student already has a certain amount of mathematical background - including set theory, mathematical induction, basic analytic geometry, and elementary calculus - as wellas a modicum of mathematical sophistication. My intention is to provide not only a solid basis in the abstract theory of...
This book is an extensively revised version of my textbook "Yesodot HaAlgebra HaLiniarit" (The Foundations of Linear Algebra) used at many universitie...
At the end of the twentieth century, nonlinear dynamics turned out to be one of the most challenging and stimulating ideas. Notions like bifurcations, attractors, chaos, fractals, etc. have proved to be useful in explaining the world around us, be it natural or artificial. However, much of our everyday understanding is still based on linearity, i. e. on the additivity and the proportionality. The larger the excitation, the larger the response-this seems to be carved in a stone tablet. The real world is not always reacting this way and the additivity is simply lost. The most convenient way to...
At the end of the twentieth century, nonlinear dynamics turned out to be one of the most challenging and stimulating ideas. Notions like bifurcations,...
This book supplements the textbook of the authors" Lectures on Graph The- ory" [6] by more than thousand exercises of varying complexity. The books match each other in their contents, notations, and terminology. The authors hope that both students and lecturers will find this book helpful for mastering and verifying the understanding of the peculiarities of graphs. The exercises are grouped into eleven chapters and numerous sections accord- ing to the topics of graph theory: paths, cycles, components, subgraphs, re- constructibility, operations on graphs, graphs and matrices, trees,...
This book supplements the textbook of the authors" Lectures on Graph The- ory" [6] by more than thousand exercises of varying complexity. The books ma...
Each undergraduate course of algebra begins with basic notions and results concerning groups, rings, modules and linear algebra. That is, it begins with simple notions and simple results. Our intention was to provide a collection of exercises which cover only the easy part of ring theory, what we have named the "Basics of Ring Theory". This seems to be the part each student or beginner in ring theory (or even algebra) should know - but surely trying to solve as many of these exercises as possible independently. As difficult (or impossible) as this may seem, we have made every effort to avoid...
Each undergraduate course of algebra begins with basic notions and results concerning groups, rings, modules and linear algebra. That is, it begins wi...