This text, a summary of Friedrich Christoph Oetinger's theosophical system, was first published in 1776, and is presented here in an historico-critical edition. As a peculiarly original exegete of scripture and with profound knowledge both of kabbalistic traditions and Jakob Bohme, Oetinger views a new stage of development of humanity as being on the way to the fulfilment of creation. Within the horizon of his century's enlightenment, he combines piety with the optimism of progress.
This text, a summary of Friedrich Christoph Oetinger's theosophical system, was first published in 1776, and is presented here in an historico-critica...
The publication of a critical-historical edition of the works of August Hermann Francke continues with the second volume of his writings on Biblical hermeneutics. In addition to an extensive introduction, this volume again providesnotes about the sources for each printed work plus multiple indices.
The publication of a critical-historical edition of the works of August Hermann Francke continues with the second volume of his writings on Biblica...