Robots have been a source of fascination to me since my childhood. That was during the time of the first Star Wars trilogy, with very humanlike robots appearing on the screen, such as C-3PO, who still reminds me of some friends of mine, and not so humanlike others, such as R2-D2 (who nev- theless also reminds me of some people I know). There were the books of Stanislaw Lem and Douglas Adams that discuss the philosophical questions related to the creation of artificial beings. Do androids dream of electric sheep? I still wonder. Yet all my attempts to build something similar on my own failed....
Robots have been a source of fascination to me since my childhood. That was during the time of the first Star Wars trilogy, with very humanlike robots...
Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone is a practical build-it-yourself mobile Java games book with lots of complete working code and advice:
Shows you how to create a basic game and make it a professional one (by adding a pro look-and-feel by writing your own menus or using the open source J2ME Polish, and enabling marketing/billing from your own web site)
Demonstrates Wireless Messaging and other optional APIs (using SMS, PIM, File Connection, Bluetooth, and so forth in a multiplayer game)
Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone is a practical build-it-yourself mobile ...