The first premise of this book is that farmers need access to options for improving their situation. In agricultural terms, these options might be manage ment alternatives or different crops to grow, that can stabilize or increase household income, that reduce soil degradation and dependence on off-farm inputs, or that exploit local market opportunities. Farmers need a facilitating environment, in which affordable credit is available if needed, in which policies are conducive to judicious management of natural resources, and in which costs and prices of production are stable. Another key...
The first premise of this book is that farmers need access to options for improving their situation. In agricultural terms, these options might be man...
In the early seventies, scientists in Israel and The Netherlands started a cooperative project on actual and potential production under semi-arid conditions. In Israel research concentrated on primary production of natural pastures and small grain crops, and on the associated secondary production of small ruminants. Most of the experimental work was carried out at the Migda Experimental Farm in the semi-desert of the northern Negev where the long- term average annual rainfall is 250 mm. In The Netherlands existing facilities in Wageningen were used for measuring growth, photosynthesis and...
In the early seventies, scientists in Israel and The Netherlands started a cooperative project on actual and potential production under semi-arid cond...