In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in the theme of citizenship among political philosophers. Any attempt to reflect theoretically on this topic must address a host of vital questions: how to distinguish between "insiders" and "outsiders" in a normatively defensible way; how to secure for all individuals within a political society a sense of full membership in the social and political life of that society; and how to keep allegiance to the political community durable in the face of mounting pressures, domestic and international.
The need to rethink the issue of...
In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in the theme of citizenship among political philosophers. Any attempt to reflect theoretically...
This reappraisal of the pluralist tradition systematically explores accounts of political pluralism offered by James, Dewey, Figgis, Cole, Laski, Follett, and Dahl and shows how each variant contains a distinct account of the relation between group power, individual interest, and self-development. These historical accounts provide the resources with which Eisenberg reconstructs a democratic theory of political pluralism. At the center of political pluralism, she argues, is a pluralist approach to self-development that can address the key ambiguities of identity politics and provide a more...
This reappraisal of the pluralist tradition systematically explores accounts of political pluralism offered by James, Dewey, Figgis, Cole, Laski, Foll...
Starting with C. B. Macpherson's conception of human nature and working through his idea of a just society, Peter Lindsay constructs a cohesive picture of Macpherson's democratic vision--a task Macpherson himself never undertook. Lindsay argues that Macpherson's central message regarding the importance of economic equality for democracy is as relevant today as it was when first presented.
In addition to offering a detailed picture of the economic prerequisites for democracy, Lindsay presents Macpherson's particular brand of liberal democracy as one that offers valuable insights into...
Starting with C. B. Macpherson's conception of human nature and working through his idea of a just society, Peter Lindsay constructs a cohesive pictur...