This is a collection of technical papers in the foundations and the philoso It takes both "foundations" phy of physics with emphasis on the former. and "philosophy" in their narrow technical senses but it construes "physics" lato sensu, as including all the sciences of nonliving systems. All eleven papers constituting this volume were written for it. The problems tackled in this book concern certain basic concepts, hypotheses, theories, and research programmes in physical science. Some of these problems are topical, others new, but they are all fundamental and the subject of research and...
This is a collection of technical papers in the foundations and the philoso It takes both "foundations" phy of physics with emphasis on the former. an...
The Tum of the Tide During centuries physicists were supposed to be studying the physical world. Since the turn of the century this assumption has often been challenged as naive: it was proclaimed that physics is not about the external world but about observers and their manipUlations: that it is meaningless to talk of anything else than observation devices and opera tions: that the laws of physics concern our knowledge rather than the external world. This view of the nature of physical science has old roots in philo sophy but it was independently reinvented by a number of philosophi cally...
The Tum of the Tide During centuries physicists were supposed to be studying the physical world. Since the turn of the century this assumption has oft...
This volume is a logical sequel of Volume I, The Search for System: indeed, it concerns the ways theoretical systems are put to work and subjected to test. Yet it can be read independently by anyone familiar with some factual theories, referring back to Volume I when necessary. Special Symbols AS;B the set A is included in the set B AvB the union of the sets A and B AnB the common part of the sets A and B aEB the individual a is in (or belongs to) the set A Card (A) cardinality (numerosity) of the set A AxB Cartesian product of the sets A and B en(A) consequence(s) of the set A of assumptions...
This volume is a logical sequel of Volume I, The Search for System: indeed, it concerns the ways theoretical systems are put to work and subjected to ...
This volume collects the lectures on the foundations of physics given by eleven scientists at the University of Delaware. It is neither an anthology of disconnected items nor a smoothly running textbook but rather a progress report on a neglected yet vital area of basic physical research, namely foundations research. The investigation into the foundations of any branch of science is neither loose speculation nor popular science: it is an aspect of scientific research - in fact the deepest-searching part of basic research. Con sequently it must be carried out by the scientist himself. Thus...
This volume collects the lectures on the foundations of physics given by eleven scientists at the University of Delaware. It is neither an anthology o...