Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance (SPNPG) publishes double-blind peer reviewed articles in a growing area of governance research. The series focuses on the 'micro' level of governance in public and non-profit sector. Compared to the wider debate on corporate governance in the private sector and to the literature on the 'macro' and 'meso' levels of governance in the public sector, the organizational (micro) level of governance remains a neglected area of governance in the public and non-profit sector. Therefore, governance systems, mechanisms and roles are primarily investigated at...
Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance (SPNPG) publishes double-blind peer reviewed articles in a growing area of governance research. The series...
This volume presents and discusses evidence on collaboration between government, businesses and non-profits, focusing on an inter-organizational perspective of managing at the boundaries between sectors.
This volume presents and discusses evidence on collaboration between government, businesses and non-profits, focusing on an inter-organizational persp...
This book seeks to answer the unsolved questions related to hybrid organisations, adopting a multifaceted approach focussing on different national contexts, including the UK, Italy, Australia, and Sweden, as well as global organisations. Authors consider policy sectors including humanitarian aid, local transport, healthcare, and welfare services.
This book seeks to answer the unsolved questions related to hybrid organisations, adopting a multifaceted approach focussing on different national con...