"Beyond Wavelets" presents state-of-the-art theories, methods, algorithms, and applications of mathematical extensions for classical wavelet analysis. Wavelets, introduced 20 years ago by Morlet and Grossmann and developed very rapidly during the 1980's and 1990's, has created a common link between computational mathematics and other disciplines of science and engineering. Classical wavelets have provided effective and efficient mathematical tools for time-frequency analysis which enhances and replaces the Fourier approach.
However, with the current advances in science and...
"Beyond Wavelets" presents state-of-the-art theories, methods, algorithms, and applications of mathematical extensions for classical wavelet analysis....
The Haifa 2000 Workshop on "Inherently Parallel Algorithms for Feasibility and Optimization and their Applications" brought together top scientists in this area. The objective of the Workshop was to discuss, analyze and compare the latest developments in this fast growing field of applied mathematics and to identify topics of research which are of special interest for industrial applications and for further theoretical study.
Inherently parallel algorithms, that is, computational methods which are, by their mathematical nature, parallel, have been studied in various contexts for more...
The Haifa 2000 Workshop on "Inherently Parallel Algorithms for Feasibility and Optimization and their Applications" brought together top scientists in...
Many large mathematical models, not only models arising and used in environmental studies, are described by systems of partial differential equations. The discretization of the spatial derivatives in such models leads to the solution of very large systems of ordinary differential equations. These systems contain many millions of equations and have to be handled over large time intervals by applying many time-steps (up to several hundred thousand time-steps). Furthermore, many scenarios are as a rule to be run. This explains the fact that the computational tasks in this situation are enormous....
Many large mathematical models, not only models arising and used in environmental studies, are described by systems of partial differential equations....
Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part I (along with volume 2 covers most of the traditional methods for polynomial root-finding such as Newton's, as well as numerous variations on them invented in the last few decades. Perhaps more importantly it covers recent developments such as Vincent's method, simultaneous iterations, and matrix methods. There is an extensive chapter on evaluation of polynomials, including parallel methods and errors. There are pointers to robust and efficient programs. In short, it could be entitled "A Handbook of Methods for Polynomial Root-finding."...
Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part I (along with volume 2 covers most of the traditional methods for polynomial root-finding suc...
The book is designed for researchers, students and practitioners interested in using fast and efficient iterative methods to approximate solutions of nonlinear equations. The following four major problems are addressed. Problem 1: Show that the iterates are well defined. Problem 2: concerns the convergence of the sequences generated by a process and the question of whether the limit points are, in fact solutions of the equation. Problem 3: concerns the economy of the entire operations. Problem 4: concerns with how to best choose a method, algorithm or software program to solve a specific type...
The book is designed for researchers, students and practitioners interested in using fast and efficient iterative methods to approximate solutions of ...