Non-uniform random variate generation is an established research area in the intersection of mathematics, statistics and computer science. Although random variate generation with popular standard distributions have become part of every course on discrete event simulation and on Monte Carlo methods, the recent concept of universal (also called automatic or black-box) random variate generation can only be found dispersed in literature. This new concept has great practical advantages that are little known to most simulation practitioners. Being unique in its overall organization the book...
Non-uniform random variate generation is an established research area in the intersection of mathematics, statistics and computer science. Although...
Non-uniform random variate generation is an established research area in the intersection of mathematics, statistics and computer science. Although random variate generation with popular standard distributions have become part of every course on discrete event simulation and on Monte Carlo methods, the recent concept of universal (also called automatic or black-box) random variate generation can only be found dispersed in literature. This new concept has great practical advantages that are little known to most simulation practitioners. Being unique in its overall organization the book...
Non-uniform random variate generation is an established research area in the intersection of mathematics, statistics and computer science. Although...
This textbook presents methods and techniques for time series analysis and forecasting and shows how to use Python to implement them and solve data science problems. It covers not only common statistical approaches and time series models, including ARMA, SARIMA, VAR, GARCH and state space and Markov switching models for (non)stationary, multivariate and financial time series, but also modern machine learning procedures and challenges for time series forecasting. Providing an organic combination of the principles of time series analysis and Python programming, it enables the reader to study...
This textbook presents methods and techniques for time series analysis and forecasting and shows how to use Python to implement them and solve data sc...
This book explores visualization and imputation techniques for missing values and presents practical applications using the statistical software R. It explains the concepts of common imputation methods with a focus on visualization, description of data problems and practical solutions using R, including modern methods of robust imputation, imputation based on deep learning and imputation for complex data. By describing the advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls of each method, the book presents a clear picture of which imputation methods are applicable given a specific data set at...
This book explores visualization and imputation techniques for missing values and presents practical applications using the statistical software R....
This textbook provides an accessible overview of statistical learning methods and techniques, and includes case studies using the statistical software Stata. After introductory material on statistical learning concepts and practical aspects, each further chapter is devoted to a statistical learning algorithm or a group of related techniques. In particular, the book presents logistic regression, regularized linear models such as the Lasso, nearest neighbors, the Naive Bayes classifier, classification trees, random forests, boosting, support vector machines, feature engineering, neural...
This textbook provides an accessible overview of statistical learning methods and techniques, and includes case studies using the statistical ...
This book presents the fundamental theoretical notions of supervised machine learning along with a wide range of applications using Python, R, and Stata. It provides a balance between theory and applications and fosters an understanding and awareness of the availability of machine learning methods over different software platforms.
After introducing the machine learning basics, the focus turns to a broad spectrum of topics: model selection and regularization, discriminant analysis, nearest neighbors, support vector machines, tree modeling, artificial neural networks, deep learning,...
This book presents the fundamental theoretical notions of supervised machine learning along with a wide range of applications using Python, R, and ...