When Dr. Rodney McKay unlocks an Ancient mystery on a distant moon, he discovers a terrifying threat to the Pegasus galaxy. Determined to disable the device before it's discovered by the Wraith, Colonel John Sheppard and his team navigate the treacherous ruins of an Ancient outpost. But attempts to destroy the technology are complicated by the arrival of a stranger.
When Dr. Rodney McKay unlocks an Ancient mystery on a distant moon, he discovers a terrifying threat to the Pegasus galaxy. Determined to disable the ...
Lt. Col. John Sheppard submits his resignation following a mission in which two of his team members have been lost, while Elizabeth Weir negotiates with warring tribes who have traces of the Ancient ATA gene.
Lt. Col. John Sheppard submits his resignation following a mission in which two of his team members have been lost, while Elizabeth Weir negotiates wi...
The Stargate Atlantis team discovers a city on a moon that's about to plunge into its own sun. But the city which had looked as if it had been abandoned turns out to be inhabited by descendants of the Ancients, who have fallen into decadence and debauchery. Original.
The Stargate Atlantis team discovers a city on a moon that's about to plunge into its own sun. But the city which had looked as if it had been abandon...