This volume contains the invited contributions to the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Integrable Quantum Field Theories held at the Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, September 14-18, 1992. About 70 researchers from all over world gathered at this in terdisciplinary workshop, which turned out to be timely and very stimulating. We are grateful to the institutions that made it possible: the NATO Scientific Affairs Divi sion, the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati for financial support, and the Centro A.Volta for hospitality. In the past...
This volume contains the invited contributions to the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Integrable Quantum Field Theories held at the Villa Olmo, Com...
This edition of Thermodynamics is a thoroughly revised, streamlined, and cor rected version of the book of the same title, first published in 1975. It is intended for students, practicing engineers, and specialists in materials sciences, metallur gical engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, electrochemistry, and related fields. The present edition contains many additional numerical examples and prob lems. Greater emphasis is put on the application of thermodynamics to chemical, materials, and metallurgical problems. The SI system has been used through out the textbook. In addition, a...
This edition of Thermodynamics is a thoroughly revised, streamlined, and cor rected version of the book of the same title, first published in 1975. It...