This thesis covers the few-cycle laser-driven acceleration of electrons in a laser-generated plasma. This process, known as laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), relies on strongly driven plasma waves for the generation of accelerating gradients in thevicinity of several 100 GV/m, a value four orders of magnitude larger thanthat attainable by conventional accelerators. This thesis demonstrates that laser pulses with an ultrashort duration of 8 fs and a peak power of 6 TW allowthe production ofelectron energies up to 50 MeV via LWFA. The special properties of laser accelerated electron...
This thesis covers the few-cycle laser-driven acceleration of electrons in a laser-generated plasma. This process, known as laser wakefield acceler...
A natural evolution of statistical signal processing, in connection with the progressive increase in computational power, has been exploiting higher-order information. Thus, high-order spectral analysis and nonlinear adaptive filtering have received the attention of many researchers. One of the most successful techniques for non-linear processing of data with complex non-Gaussian distributions is the independent component analysis mixture modelling (ICAMM). This thesis defines a novel formalism for pattern recognition and classification based on ICAMM, which unifies a certain number of...
A natural evolution of statistical signal processing, in connection with the progressive increase in computational power, has been exploiting higher-o...
This book presents the theory of three key elements of optical spectroscopy of the electronic excitations in bilayer graphene: angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), visible range Raman spectroscopy, and far-infrared (FIR) magneto-spectroscopy.
This book presents the theory of three key elements of optical spectroscopy of the electronic excitations in bilayer graphene: angle-resolved photoemi...
Aerobic granular sludge technology will play an important role as an innovative technology alternative to the present activated sludge process in industrial and municipal wastewater treatment in the near future. Intended to fill the gaps in the studies of aerobic granular sludge, this thesis comprehensively investigates the formation, characterization and mathematical modeling of aerobic granular sludge, through integrating the process engineering tools and advanced molecular microbiology. The research results of this thesis contributed significantly to the advance of understanding and...
Aerobic granular sludge technology will play an important role as an innovative technology alternative to the present activated sludge process in indu...
The non-Gaussianity in the primordial density fluctuations is a key feature to clarify the early Universe and it has been probed with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) bispectrum. In recent years, we have treated the novel-type CMB bispectra, which originate from the vector- and tensor-mode perturbations and include the violation of the rotational or parity invariance. On the basis of our current works, this thesis provides the general formalism for the CMB bispectrum sourced by the non-Gaussianity in the scalar, vector and tensor-mode perturbations. Applying this formalism, we calculate...
The non-Gaussianity in the primordial density fluctuations is a key feature to clarify the early Universe and it has been probed with the Cosmic Micro...
In his thesis, Sohail Shahzad carefully investigates carbon nucleophiles in selenocyclisations, as well as reaction protocols for performing such reactions catalytically. After a comprehensive introduction to the element selenium, the author goes on to report the synthesis of several substrates for carbocyclisation reactions and the use of selenium reagents for the preparation of dihydronaphthalenes.
In his thesis, Sohail Shahzad carefully investigates carbon nucleophiles in selenocyclisations, as well as reaction protocols for performing such reac...
Cosmic rays consist of elementary particles with enormous energy which originate from outside our solar system and constantly hit the Earth's atmosphere. Where do these cosmic rays originate? How does nature accelerate the cosmic-ray particles to energies with orders of magnitude beyond the limits of manmade particle accelerators? What can we learn by measuring the interactions of the cosmic rays with the atmosphere? Digital radio-antenna arrays offer a promising, complementary measurement method for high-energy cosmic rays. This thesis reports on substantial advances in the development of...
Cosmic rays consist of elementary particles with enormous energy which originate from outside our solar system and constantly hit the Earth's atmos...
This thesis shows how a combination of analytic and numerical techniques, such as a time dependent and finite temperature Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) technique, can be used to obtain the physical properties of low dimensional quantum magnets with an unprecedented level of accuracy. A comparison between the theory and experiment then enables these systems to be used as quantum simulators; for example, to test various generic properties of low dimensional systems such as Luttinger liquid physics, the paradigm of one dimensional interacting quantum systems. Application of these...
This thesis shows how a combination of analytic and numerical techniques, such as a time dependent and finite temperature Density Matrix Renormalizati...
Freezing and thawing of soils is a common phenomenon in the winter-cold zone. The thesis titled "Material Cycling of Wetland Soils Driven by Freeze-Thaw Effects" systematically explores the freeze-thaw effects on the accumulation and release processes of carbon and nitrogen in wetland soils, which is a good step toward the investigation of biogeochemical processes in wetlands in seasonal freeze-thaw areas. It is also developing strategies aimed at global warming effects on the accumulation and release of carbon and nitrogen in wetlands. Dr. Xiaofei Yu works at the Northeast Institute of...
Freezing and thawing of soils is a common phenomenon in the winter-cold zone. The thesis titled "Material Cycling of Wetland Soils Driven by Freeze-Th...
The framework of Gaussian Approximation Potentials developed in this thesis allows us to generate interatomic potentials automatically, based on quantum mechanical data. The method has already been successfully applied to semiconductors and metals.
The framework of Gaussian Approximation Potentials developed in this thesis allows us to generate interatomic potentials automatically, based on quant...