Recent experimental research advances have led to increasingly detailed descriptions of how networks of interacting neurons process information. With these developments, it has become clear that dynamic network behaviors underlie information processing, and that the observed activity patterns cannot be fully explained by simple concepts such as synchrony and phase locking. These new insights raise significant challenges and offer exciting opportunities for experimental and theoretical neuroscientists.
Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks features a review...
Recent experimental research advances have led to increasingly detailed descriptions of how networks of interacting neurons process information. Wi...
Solid and transparent data analysis is the most important basis for reliable interpretation of experiments. The technique of parallel spike train recordings using multi-electrode arrangements has been available for many decades now, but only recently gained wide popularity among electro physiologists. Many traditional analysis methods are based on firing rates obtained by trial-averaging, and some of the assumptions for such procedures to work can be ignored without serious consequences. The situation is different for correlation analysis, the result of which may be considerably distorted if...
Solid and transparent data analysis is the most important basis for reliable interpretation of experiments. The technique of parallel spike train reco...
Neuronal dendritic trees are complex structures that endow the cell with powerful computing capabilities and allow for high neural interconnectivity. Studying the function of dendritic structures has a long tradition in theoretical neuroscience, starting with the pioneering work by Wilfrid Rall in the 1950s. Recent advances in experimental techniques allow us to study dendrites with a new perspective and in greater detail. The goal of this volume is to provide a resume of the state-of-the-art in experimental, computational, and mathematical investigations into the functions of dendrites in...
Neuronal dendritic trees are complex structures that endow the cell with powerful computing capabilities and allow for high neural interconnectivit...
Drug addiction remains one of the most important public health problems in western societies and is a rising concern for developing nations. Over the past 3 decades, experimental research on the neurobiology and psychology of drug addiction has generated a torrent of exciting data, from the molecular up to the behavioral levels. As a result, a new and pressing challenge for addiction research is to formulate a synthetic theoretical framework that goes well beyond mere scientific eclectism to deepen our understanding of drug addiction and to foster our capacity to prevent and to cure drug...
Drug addiction remains one of the most important public health problems in western societies and is a rising concern for developing nations. Over the ...
Neuronal Noise combines experimental, theoretical and computational results to show how noise is inherent to neuronal activity, and how noise can be important for neuronal computations. The book covers many aspects of noise in neurons, with an emphasis on the largest source of noise: synaptic noise. It provides students and young researchers with an overview of the important methods and concepts that have emerged from research in this area. It also provides the specialist with a summary of the large body of sometimes contrasting experimental data, and different theories proposed to...
Neuronal Noise combines experimental, theoretical and computational results to show how noise is inherent to neuronal activity, and how nois...
Sleep and anesthesia resemble in many ways at a first glance. The most prominent common feature of course is the loss of consciousness, i.e. the loss of awareness of external stimuli. However a closer look at the loss of consciousness reveals already a difference between sleep and anesthesia: anesthesia is induced by an anesthetic drug whereas we may fall asleep without external cause. Other questions may arise about the difference of the two effects: do we dream during surgery under anesthesia, do we feel pain during sleep? Essentially, we may ask: what is common and what are the...
Sleep and anesthesia resemble in many ways at a first glance. The most prominent common feature of course is the loss of consciousness, i.e. the lo...
This book will track advances in the application of phase response (PR) analysis to the study of electrically excitable cells, focusing on applications of PR analysis in the computational neurosciences. This proposal was motivated by discussions with colleagues at the 2007 meeting of the Organization for Computational Neuroscience (OCNS) and further motivated by the success of a workshop at the 2008 OCNS meeting this past July. At that meeting the editors hosted a workshop entitled A dialogue for theoreticians and experimentalists: What is phase response analysis, and what can it tell us...
This book will track advances in the application of phase response (PR) analysis to the study of electrically excitable cells, focusing on application...
Since information in the brain is processed by the exchange of spikes among neurons, a study of such group dynamics is extremely important in understanding hippocampus dependent memory. These spike patterns and local field potentials (LFPs) have been analyzed by various statistical methods. These studies have led to important findings of memory information processing. For example, memory-trace replay, a reactivation of behaviorally induced neural patterns during subsequent sleep, has been suggested to play an important role in memory consolidation. It has also been suggested that a...
Since information in the brain is processed by the exchange of spikes among neurons, a study of such group dynamics is extremely important in understa...
The International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics, and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX) took place in Algarve, Portugal in September of 2013. The congress provided a meeting point ofacademics andclinical and engineering professionals, promoting translational discussions on how research and technology can meet the needs of clinical practitioners and patients. NEUROTECHNIX emphasized research and application of neurotechnologies to various neurological disorders, including neuromuscular diseases, Parkinson's disease, developmental disorders, dementia, epilepsy, sleep disorders, Multiple...
The International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics, and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX) took place in Algarve, Portugal in September of 2013. The c...
This book is a collection of articles by leading researchers working at the cutting edge of neuro-computational modelling of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Each article contains model validation techniques used in the context of the specific problem being studied.
Validation is essential for neuro-inspired computational models to become useful tools in the understanding and treatment of disease conditions. Currently, the immense diversity in neuro-computational modelling approaches for investigating brain diseases has created the need for a structured and coordinated...
This book is a collection of articles by leading researchers working at the cutting edge of neuro-computational modelling of neurological and psych...