This fourth issue on "progress in turbulence" is based on the fourth ITI conference (ITI interdisciplinary turbulence initiative), which took place in Bertinoro, North Italy. Leading researchers from the engineering and physical sciences presented latest results in turbulence research. Basic as well as applied research is driven by the rather notorious difficult and essentially unsolved problem of turbulence. In this collection of contributions clear progress can be seen in different aspects, ranging from new quality of numerical simulations to new concepts of experimental investigations and...
This fourth issue on "progress in turbulence" is based on the fourth ITI conference (ITI interdisciplinary turbulence initiative), which took place in...
For more than two decades time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy (TRVS) was only part of general conferences on solid-state physics, molecular spec- troscopy, photochemistry and photobiology. It was in 1982 when the first meeting on TRVS was organized at Lake Placid. The conference met a strong need among the workers in the field, and it was decided to continue with spe- cial conferences on this topic. The 2nd International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spec- troscopy was held June 3-i, 1985 at Bayreuth-Bischofsgrun, Germany. Sci- entists from many disciplines came together to...
For more than two decades time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy (TRVS) was only part of general conferences on solid-state physics, molecular spec- t...
Nanoscale science and technology have occupied centre stage globally in modern scientific research and discourses in the early twenty first century. The enabling nature of the technology makes it important in modern electronics, computing, materials, healthcare, energy and the environment. This volume contains selected articles presented (as Invited/Oral/Poster presentations) at the 2nd international conference on advanced materials and nanotechnology (ICANN-2011) held recently at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, during Dec 8-10, 2011. The list of topics covered in this...
Nanoscale science and technology have occupied centre stage globally in modern scientific research and discourses in the early twenty first century. T...
This book presents the latest advances in Discrete Element Methods (DEM) and technology. The subject of this book are the DEM and related computational techniques such as DDA, FEM/DEM, molecular dynamics, SPH, Meshless methods, etc., which are the main computational methods for modeling discontinua.
This book presents the latest advances in Discrete Element Methods (DEM) and technology. The subject of this book are the DEM and related computationa...