The text covers the problems concerning optical properties and remote sensing of turbid and surface-polluted oceans and lakes. In four chapters Helgi Arst compares remote sensing data with data collected from similar examination of clean waters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the main radiative and remote sensing characteristics and provides discussion on the properties of optically active substances (OAS) in the water and their variability and concentration, drawing on original data obtained in the Baltic Sea region. Chapter 2 focuses on the investigation of the influence of surface...
The text covers the problems concerning optical properties and remote sensing of turbid and surface-polluted oceans and lakes. In four chapters Hel...
For the first time, here is a book that focuses on in vitro approaches to the study of the toxicology of polluting agents (including heavy metals, radionuclides, micro-organics, estrogenic compounds, and complex mixtures) in the aquatic environment. The importance of in vitro methods is that they allow standardised techniques to be developed and validated for substance and species specific experiments in a controlled way. Also, they allow mechanistic studies without the problems of individual variation between animals and environmental stress.
For the first time, here is a book that focuses on in vitro approaches to the study of the toxicology of polluting agents (including heavy metals, ...
The inorganic and organic water constituents, often called color-producing agents (CPAs), responsible for water color are generally referred to as water quality parameters. Utilization of water color for assessment of water quality parameters can be achieved by using the established techniques in aquatic optics attained over many decades. Aquatic optics can be subdivided according to whether the natural water body is salty (marine), inland or fresh (limnological), or coastal (often brackish). The authors describe the transformation of water color under varying natural and...
The inorganic and organic water constituents, often called color-producing agents (CPAs), responsible for water color are generally referred to as wat...