This book demonstrates that the method, based on the ground polar cap magnetic observations is a reliable diagnosis of the solar wind energy coming into the magnetosphere Method for the uninterruptive monitoring of the magnetosphere state (i.e. space weather).It shows that the solar wind energy pumping power, can bedescribed by the PC growth rate, thus, the magnetospheric substorms features are predetermined by the PC dynamics. Furthermore, it goes on to showthat the beginning and ending of magnetic storms is predictable. The magnetic storm start only if the solar energy input into the...
This book demonstrates that the method, based on the ground polar cap magnetic observations is a reliable diagnosis of the solar wind energy coming...
Light scattering review (vol 8) is aimed at the presentation of recent advances in radiative transfer and light scattering optics. The topics to be covered include: scattering of light by irregularly shaped particles suspended in atmosphere (dust, ice crystals), light scattering by particles much larger as compared the wavelength of incident radiation, atmospheric radiative forcing, astrophysical radiative transfer, radiative transfer and optical imaging in biological media, radiative transfer of polarized light, numerical aspects of radiative transfer.
Light scattering review (vol 8) is aimed at the presentation of recent advances in radiative transfer and light scattering optics. The topics to be co...
Updated and revised, this second edition outlines theoretical concepts, simple models and numerical methods for modeling the general circulation of the atmosphere. New topics include the recent progress of high resolution global modeling, as well as aspects of high-resolution global nonhydrostatis models.
Updated and revised, this second edition outlines theoretical concepts, simple models and numerical methods for modeling the general circulation of th...
With almost 1,000 references to publications and reports, this book covers the complete literature of the subject and provides a systematic review of climate change in almost all of its aspects.
With almost 1,000 references to publications and reports, this book covers the complete literature of the subject and provides a systematic review of ...