This new edition describes the geometric part of the author's 1965 proof of desingularization of algebraic surfaces and solids in nonzero characteristic. The book also provides a self-contained introduction to birational algebraic geometry, based only on basic commutative algebra. In addition, it gives a short proof of analytic desingularization in characteristic zero for any dimension found in 1996 and based on a new avatar of an algorithmic trick employed in the original edition of the book. This new edition will inspire further progress in resolution of singularities of algebraic and...
This new edition describes the geometric part of the author's 1965 proof of desingularization of algebraic surfaces and solids in nonzero characterist...
In this book we consider deep and classical results of homotopy theory like the homological Whitehead theorem, the Hurewicz theorem, the finiteness obstruction theorem of Wall, the theorems on Whitehead torsion and simple homotopy equivalences, and we characterize axiomatically the assumptions under which such results hold. This leads to a new combinatorial foundation of homology and homotopy. Numerous explicit examples and applications in various fields of topology and algebra are given.
In this book we consider deep and classical results of homotopy theory like the homological Whitehead theorem, the Hurewicz theorem, the finiteness ob...
Shape theory is an extension of homotopy theory from the realm of CW-complexes to arbitrary spaces. Besides applications in topology, it has interesting applications in various other areas of mathematics, especially in dynamical systems and C*-algebras. Strong shape is a refinement of ordinary shape with distinct advantages over the latter. Strong homology generalizes Steenrod homology and is an invariant of strong shape. The book gives a detailed account based on approximation of spaces by polyhedra (ANR's) using the technique of inverse systems. It is intended for researchers and graduate...
Shape theory is an extension of homotopy theory from the realm of CW-complexes to arbitrary spaces. Besides applications in topology, it has interesti...
On the one hand, this monograph serves as a self-contained introduction to Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution because the authors only assume the reader is familiar with the basics of complex analysis. On the other hand, the monograph also serves as a valuable reference for the research specialist because the authors present, for the first time in book form, the most modern and refined versions of the Second Main Theorem with precise error terms, in both the geometric and logarithmic derivative based approaches. A unique feature of the monograph is its "number-theoretic digressions."...
On the one hand, this monograph serves as a self-contained introduction to Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution because the authors only assume t...
Actin is one of the most widespread proteins in eukaryotic cells. This book and its companion ("Molecular Interactions of Actin. Actin Structure and Actin-Binding Proteins") provide an authoritative and opinionated view of the structure and function of this essential protein. Each section includes an historical perspective and a detailed commentary on actin protein chemistry, molecular and cell biology of actin. While some chapters review the body of knowledge of the subject, others contain new experimental data. This book will appeal to research scientists seeking contemporary overviews...
Actin is one of the most widespread proteins in eukaryotic cells. This book and its companion ("Molecular Interactions of Actin. Actin Structure and A...
This book provides an extensive treatment of Potential Theory for sub-Laplacians on stratified Lie groups. It also provides a largely self-contained presentation of stratified Lie groups, and of their Lie algebra of left-invariant vector fields. The presentation is accessible to graduate students and requires no specialized knowledge in algebra or differential geometry.
This book provides an extensive treatment of Potential Theory for sub-Laplacians on stratified Lie groups. It also provides a largely self-containe...
In the early years of the 1980s, while I was visiting the Institute for Ad- vanced Study (lAS) at Princeton as a postdoctoral member, I got a fascinating view, studying congruence modulo a prime among elliptic modular forms, that an automorphic L-function of a given algebraic group G should have a canon- ical p-adic counterpart of several variables. I immediately decided to find out the reason behind this phenomenon and to develop the theory of ordinary p-adic automorphic forms, allocating 10 to 15 years from that point, putting off the intended arithmetic study of Shimura varieties via...
In the early years of the 1980s, while I was visiting the Institute for Ad- vanced Study (lAS) at Princeton as a postdoctoral member, I got a fascinat...
Dedicated to the memory of Wolfgang Classical Intersection Theory (see for example Wei Wei]) treats the case of proper intersections, where geometrical objects (usually subvarieties of a non- singular variety) intersect with the expected dimension. In 1984, two books appeared which surveyed and developed work by the individual authors, co- workers and others on a refined version of Intersection Theory, treating the case of possibly improper intersections, where the intersection could have ex- cess dimension. The first, by W. Fulton Full] (recently revised in updated form), used a...
Dedicated to the memory of Wolfgang Classical Intersection Theory (see for example Wei Wei]) treats the case of proper intersections, where geometri...
One of the beautiful results in the representation theory of the finite groups is McKay's theorem on a correspondence between representations of the binary polyhedral group of SU(2) and vertices of an extended simply-laced Dynkin diagram.
The Coxeter transformation is the main tool in the proof of the McKay correspondence, and is closely interrelated with the Cartan matrix and Poincare series. The Coxeter functors constructed by Bernstein, Gelfand and Ponomarev plays a distinguished role in the representation theory of quivers.
On these pages, the ideas and formulas due to...
One of the beautiful results in the representation theory of the finite groups is McKay's theorem on a correspondence between representations of th...
Background and Scope of the Book This book continues, extends, and unites various developments in the intersection of probability theory and dynamical systems. I will briefly outline the background of the book, thus placing it in a systematic and historical context and tradition. Roughly speaking, a random dynamical system is a combination of a measure-preserving dynamical system in the sense of ergodic theory, (D, F, lP', (B(t))tE'lf), 'II'= JR+, IR, z+, Z, with a smooth (or topological) dy- namical system, typically generated by a differential or difference equation: i: = f(x) or Xn+l =...
Background and Scope of the Book This book continues, extends, and unites various developments in the intersection of probability theory and dynamical...