A book on any mathematical subject above textbook level is not of much value unless it contains new ideas and new perspectives. Also, the author may be encouraged to include new results, provided that they help the reader gain newinsightsandarepresentedalongwithknownoldresultsinaclearexposition. Itis with this philosophy that Iwrite this volume. The two subjects, Dirichlet series and modular forms, are traditional, but I treat them in both orthodox and unorthodox ways. However, I try to make the book accessible to those who are not familiar with such topics, by including plenty of expository...
A book on any mathematical subject above textbook level is not of much value unless it contains new ideas and new perspectives. Also, the author may b...
Harish-Chandras general Plancherel inversion theorem admits a much shorter presentation for spherical functions. Previous expositions have dealt with a general, wide class of Lie groups. This has made access to the subject difficult for outsiders, who may wish to connect some aspects with several if not all other parts of mathematics. In this book, the essential features of Harish-Chandra theory are exhibited on SLn(R), but hundreds of pages of background are replaced by short direct verifications. The material is accessible to graduate students with no background in Lie groups and...
Harish-Chandras general Plancherel inversion theorem admits a much shorter presentation for spherical functions. Previous expositions have dealt with ...
Multiparameter processes extend the existing one-parameter theory of random processes in an elegant way, and have found connections to diverse disciplines such as probability theory, real and functional analysis, group theory, analytic number theory, and group renormalization in mathematical physics, to name a few. This book lays the foundation of aspects of the rapidly developing subject of random fields, and is designed for a second graduate course in probability and beyond. Its intended audience is pure, as well as applied, mathematicians.
Multiparameter processes extend the existing one-parameter theory of random processes in an elegant way, and have found connections to diverse discipl...
The subject of local dynamical systems is concerned with the following two questions: 1. Given an nn matrix A, describe the behavior, in a neighborhood of the origin, of the solutions of all systems of di?erential equations having a rest point at the origin with linear part Ax, that is, all systems of the form x ? = Ax+---, n where x? R and the dots denote terms of quadratic and higher order. 2. Describethebehavior(neartheorigin)ofallsystemsclosetoasystem of the type just described. To answer these questions, the following steps are employed: 1. A normal form is obtained for the general...
The subject of local dynamical systems is concerned with the following two questions: 1. Given an nn matrix A, describe the behavior, in a neighborhoo...
Nonlinear applied analysis and in particular the related ?elds of continuous optimization and variational inequality problems have gone through major developments over the last three decades and have reached maturity. A pivotal role in these developments has been played by convex analysis, a rich area covering a broad range of problems in mathematical sciences and its applications. Separation of convex sets and the Legendre-Fenchel conjugate transforms are fundamental notions that have laid the ground for these fruitful developments. Two other fundamental notions that have contributed to...
Nonlinear applied analysis and in particular the related ?elds of continuous optimization and variational inequality problems have gone through major ...
Subject Matter The original title of this book was Tractatus Classico-Quantummechanicus, but it was pointed out to the author that this was rather grandiloquent. In any case, the book discusses certain topics in the interface between classical and quantum mechanics. Mathematically, one looks for similarities between Poisson algebras and symplectic geometry on the classical side, and operator algebras and Hilbert spaces on the quantum side. Physically, one tries to understand how a given quan- tum system is related to its alleged classical counterpart (the classical limit), and vice versa...
Subject Matter The original title of this book was Tractatus Classico-Quantummechanicus, but it was pointed out to the author that this was rather gra...
For years I have heard about buildings and their applications to group theory. I finally decided to try to learn something about the subject by teaching a graduate course on it at Cornell University in Spring 1987. This book is based on the not es from that course. The course started from scratch and proceeded at a leisurely pace. The book therefore does not get very far. Indeed, the definition of the term "building" doesn't even appear until Chapter IV. My hope, however, is that the book gets far enough to enable the reader to tadle the literat ure on buildings, some of which can seem very...
For years I have heard about buildings and their applications to group theory. I finally decided to try to learn something about the subject by teachi...
1) but not inz? ?, then the di?erence between the Lagrange interpolant to it th in the n roots of unity and the partial sums of degree n? 1 of the Taylor 2 series about the origin, tends to zero in a larger disc of radius ?, although both operators converge to f(z) only forz
1) but not inz? ?, then the di?erence between the Lagrange interpolant to it th in the n roots of unity and the partial sums of degree n? 1 of the Tay...
In order to study discrete Abelian groups with wide range applications, the use of classical functional equations, difference and differential equations, polynomial ideals, digital filtering and polynomial hypergroups is required. This book covers several different problems in this field and is unique in being the only comprehensive coverage of this topic. It should appeal to graduate students and researchers in harmonic analysis, spectral analysis, functional equations and hypergroups.
In order to study discrete Abelian groups with wide range applications, the use of classical functional equations, difference and differential equa...
The use of various types of wave energy is an increasingly promising, non-destructive means of detecting objects and of diagnosing the properties of quite complicated materials. An analysis of this technique requires an understanding of how waves evolve in the medium of interest and how they are scattered by inhomogeneities in the medium. These scattering phenomena can be thought of as arising from some perturbation of a given, known system and they are analysed by developing a scattering theory.
This monograph provides an introductory account of scattering phenomena and a guide to...
The use of various types of wave energy is an increasingly promising, non-destructive means of detecting objects and of diagnosing the properties o...