This book describes the basic concepts of spacecraft operations for both manned and unmanned missions. The first part of the book provides a brief overview of the space segment. The next four parts deal with the classic areas of space flight operations: mission operations, communications and infrastructure, the flight dynamics system, and the mission planning system. This is followed by a part describing the operational tasks of the various subsystems of a classical satellite in Earth orbit. The last part describes the special requirements of other mission types due to the presence of...
This book describes the basic concepts of spacecraft operations for both manned and unmanned missions. The first part of the book provides a brief ...
This book presents a methodology for assessing environmental safety in civil aviation. The methodology allows the comparison of different technological processes and evaluates their impact on the environment. At the same time, the medical and demographic indicators for ecologically unfavorable territories are compared with similar indicators in the control (background) territories in the same climatic and geographical zones. This book contains methodological recommendations for the creation of the system for ecology safety in the organizational structures of civil aviation. This book...
This book presents a methodology for assessing environmental safety in civil aviation. The methodology allows the comparison of different technolog...
This book analyzes various properties and structures of ice from the point of view to solve problems in civil aviation. The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, together with large territories of Siberia and the Far East, is a zone, that is insufficiently provided with ground navigation facilities, as well as platforms and airfields for landing aircraft, including in the event of unpredictable situations. However, most of this area, especially in winter, is covered with ice, which can be used to solve this problem. The possibility of using ice sheets for the construction of airfields or the...
This book analyzes various properties and structures of ice from the point of view to solve problems in civil aviation. The Arctic zone of the Russian...
This book describes in detail a method of direct optimization, which makes it possible to choose the best trajectory of an aircraft in conditions of its limited resource. This can happen in the event of an emergency on board, associated with both a possible equipment failure and external influences, for example, when lightning strikes an aircraft or collides with a moving object. The highlight of this book is the fact that the results presented in it can be applied universally to the choice of the flight path of large and small aircraft, as well as helicopter technology. In addition, they...
This book describes in detail a method of direct optimization, which makes it possible to choose the best trajectory of an aircraft in conditions o...
This book highlights the capabilities and limitations of radar and air navigation. It discusses issues related to the physical principles of an electromagnetic field, the structure of radar information, and ways to transmit it. Attention is paid to the classification of radio waves used for transmitting radar information, as well as to the physical description of their propagation media. The third part of the book addresses issues related to the current state of navigation systems used in civil aviation and the prospects for their development in the future, as well as the history of...
This book highlights the capabilities and limitations of radar and air navigation. It discusses issues related to the physical principles of an ele...
This book presents the design of modular architecture flight simulators. Safe transportation of people and goods is one of the main directions for the development of the world economy. At the same time, in conditions of constantly increasing intensity of air traffic, the actions of people, responsible for piloting aircraft and air traffic control are of particular importance. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the process of training such specialists. This book describes various flight simulators of an aircraft, as well as to assess the impact of various characteristics of...
This book presents the design of modular architecture flight simulators. Safe transportation of people and goods is one of the main directions for ...
This book presents the basics of building various types of amplifiers, the most widely used in the composition of modern specialized radio receivers, as well as the principles of building digital radio receivers. The rapid development of modern telecommunications systems, aviation equipment, and space systems for various functional purposes, as well as new information technologies, is inextricably linked with the theory of building radio receivers. Radio receivers are an integral part of the radio line, which largely determine the quality of its operation, both in normal operating conditions...
This book presents the basics of building various types of amplifiers, the most widely used in the composition of modern specialized radio receivers, ...
This book focuses on the design and application of advanced trajectory optimization and guidance and control (G&C) techniques for aerospace vehicles. Part I of the book focuses on the introduction of constrained aerospace vehicle trajectory optimization problems, with particular emphasis on the design of high-fidelity trajectory optimization methods, heuristic optimization-based strategies, and fast convexification-based algorithms. In Part II, various optimization theory/artificial intelligence (AI)-based methods are constructed and presented, including dynamic programming-based methods,...
This book focuses on the design and application of advanced trajectory optimization and guidance and control (G&C) techniques for aerospace vehicles. ...
This book discusses the principles of forming and analysis of mathematical models of a wide class of antenna systems, new scientific directions in the development and application of computational algorithms for the study of mathematical models for antenna arrays of radio navigating systems. The book is presented for specialists in antenna system design; it may be useful for students of radio engineering specialties. This book consequentially uses the asymptotic correspondence of two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems to antenna engineering, that includes the influence of the...
This book discusses the principles of forming and analysis of mathematical models of a wide class of antenna systems, new scientific directions in ...
This book examines the issues of ensuring anti-terrorist security of an aviation enterprise, provides a history of terrorism in the aviation sector, and analyzes the legal regulations. This book provides mathematical and mathematical–psychological models for reducing the risk of terrorist threats, which makes it possible to objectively increase the safety of air transport facilities, reduce the likelihood of terrorist attacks, save human lives and prevent significant material losses. The solutions of general humanistic problems proposed in the book—preventing accidents and preserving...
This book examines the issues of ensuring anti-terrorist security of an aviation enterprise, provides a history of terrorism in the aviation sector...