Gilbert Patten, writing as Burt L. Standish, made a career of generating serialized twenty-thousand-word stories featuring his fictional creation Frank Merriwell, a student athlete at Yale University who inspired others to emulate his example of manly boyhood. Patten and his publisher, Street and Smith, initially had only a general idea about what would constitute Merriwell s adventures and who would want to read about them when they introduced the hero in the dime novel "Tip Top Weekly" in 1896, but over the years what took shape was a story line that capitalized on middle-class fears about...
Gilbert Patten, writing as Burt L. Standish, made a career of generating serialized twenty-thousand-word stories featuring his fictional creation Fran...
Philadelphia sports-anchored by the Eagles, Flyers, Phillies, and 76ers-have a long, and sometimes tortured, history. Philly fans have booed more than their share and have earned a reputation as some of the most hostile in the country. They've been known, so the tales go, to jeer Santa Claus and cheer at the injury of an opposing player.
Strangely though, much of America's perception of Philadelphia sports has been shaped by a fictional figure: Rocky. The series of Hollywood films named after their title character has told and retold the Cinderella story of an underdog boxer rising...
Philadelphia sports-anchored by the Eagles, Flyers, Phillies, and 76ers-have a long, and sometimes tortured, history. Philly fans have booed more t...
Once considered a kind of delinquent activity, skateboarding is on track to join soccer, baseball, and basketball as an approved way for American children to pass the after-school hours. With family skateboarding in the San Francisco Bay Area as its focus, Moving Boarders explores this switch in stance.
Once considered a kind of delinquent activity, skateboarding is on track to join soccer, baseball, and basketball as an approved way for American chil...