Legally I cannot use Lyrics or Music because of Copyright but I can use song titles and a total of 604 song titles (Italicized) have been used to make the story possible. Also due to the nature of my books; legally I must place a Reference (as it is down loaded) and Bibliography in the back of the book. The story is about, Jesus of Suburbia; an elderly gentleman who enjoys his grand children's visits and listening to them playing the board game Minority. On one particular day, his life is recalled in an unusual way when he gives a hitch hiker on the road to Acceptance a lift to town. The...
Legally I cannot use Lyrics or Music because of Copyright but I can use song titles and a total of 604 song titles (Italicized) have been used to make...
Legally I can not use Lyrics or Music because of Copyright but I can use song titles so a total of 916 song titles (Italicized) have been used to make this story possible. Also due to the nature of my books; legally I must place a Reference (exactly as it is down loaded) and Bibliography in the back of the book. Come and join the tour group as they travel down the Highway to Hell from the beginning of the highway in Black Hills territory to the town of Hells Bells at the other end. A tour guide will explain about the different towns/cities such as Sin City and Decibel that you will pass...
Legally I can not use Lyrics or Music because of Copyright but I can use song titles so a total of 916 song titles (Italicized) have been used to make...
Slim Dusty was and still is a memorable country music artist. Legally I can not use Lyrics or Music because of Copyright but I can use song titles and due to the nature of my books; legally I must place a Reference (exactly as it is down loaded) and Bibliography in the back of the book. I have not attempted to plagiarize or disregard anyone's copyright by the use of the picture and the actual cover picture used was legally obtained at the time by the original publisher of this book and is mentioned in the bibliography. So by using 1,644 of his song titles (Italicized) as well as some from his...
Slim Dusty was and still is a memorable country music artist. Legally I can not use Lyrics or Music because of Copyright but I can use song titles and...
The Beach Boys were a big part of my youth so I have used a total of 860 song titles (Italicized) to make this story possible. Legally I can not use Lyrics or Music because of Copyright but I can use song titles. Also due to the nature of my books; legally I must place a Reference (exactly as it is down loaded) and Bibliography in the back of the book. Follow part of Marcella's life as she leaves school and starts her work experience program that takes her away from home to a different life and new lifelong friends like Wendy and Barbara-Ann. She is supported along the way by her father, a...
The Beach Boys were a big part of my youth so I have used a total of 860 song titles (Italicized) to make this story possible. Legally I can not use L...