The Finite Element Method, shortly FEM, is a widely used computational tool in structural engineering. For basic design purposes it usually suf ces to apply a linear-elastic analysis. Only for special structures and for forensic investigations the analyst need to apply more advanced features like plasticity and cracking to account for material nonlinearities, or nonlinear relations between strains and displacements for geometrical nonlinearity to account for buckling. Advanced analysis techniques may also be necessary if we have to judge the remaining structural capacity of aging structures....
The Finite Element Method, shortly FEM, is a widely used computational tool in structural engineering. For basic design purposes it usually suf ces to...
The book provides a rigorous axiomatic approach to continuum mechanics under large deformation. In addition to the classical nonlinear continuum mechanics - kinematics, fundamental laws, the theory of functions having jump discontinuities across singular surfaces, etc. - the book presents the theory of co-rotational derivatives, dynamic deformation compatibility equations, and the principles of material indifference and symmetry, all in systematized form. The focus of the book is a new approach to the formulation of the constitutive equations for elastic and inelastic continua under large...
The book provides a rigorous axiomatic approach to continuum mechanics under large deformation. In addition to the classical nonlinear continuum mecha...
This book provides a brief introduction to rational continuum mechanics in a form suitable for students of engineering, mathematics and science. The presentation is tightly focused on the simplest case of the classical mechanics of nonpolar materials, leaving aside the effects of internal structure, temperature and electromagnetism, and excluding other mathematical models, such as statistical mechanics, relativistic mechanics and quantum mechanics. Within the limitations of the simplest mechanical theory, the author had provided a text that is largely self-contained. Though the book is...
This book provides a brief introduction to rational continuum mechanics in a form suitable for students of engineering, mathematics and science. The p...
This publication presents the proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis, the first international symposium specifically devoted to a method of vibration analysis, which is being increasingly adopted by engineers in industry and consultants concerned with vibration and noise associated with a wide range of engineering products. It represents the latest research developments in the field together with examples of its application to practical problems, as presented by a group of leading international experts. It therefore provides academics, engineers and consultants with...
This publication presents the proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis, the first international symposium specifically devote...
Continuum Continuum mechanics mechanics provides provides a a theoretical theoretical structure structure for for analyzing analyzing the the response response of of materials materials to to mechanical mechanical and and thermal thermal loads. loads. One One of of the the beauties beauties of of continuum continuum mechanics mechanics is is that that the the fundamental fundamental balance balance laws laws (conservation (conservation of of mass mass and and balances balances of of linear linear momentum, momentum, angular angular momentum, momentum, energy energy and and entropy) entropy)...
Continuum Continuum mechanics mechanics provides provides a a theoretical theoretical structure structure for for analyzing analyzing the the response...
Segregation is a pervasive phenomenon whereby a flowing granular mass consisting of particles with diverse physical properties becomes spatially inhomogeneous. In the industrial sector that deals with the handling and processing of bulk solids, this non-uniformity is highly undesirable since blend homogeneity is generally a stringent requirement of most products. In the arena of geophysical flows, segregation can enhance the destructive capabilities of natural events such as avalanches and landslides. During the last 15 years, these issues have provided motivation and fostered...
Segregation is a pervasive phenomenon whereby a flowing granular mass consisting of particles with diverse physical properties becomes spatially inh...
The request to organize under its patronage at Poitiers in 1998 a Symposium entitled "Advanced Optical Methods and Applications in Solid Mechanics" by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (I.U.T.A.M.) was well received for the following two reasons. First, for nearly 20 years no Symposium devoted to optical methods in solids had been organized. Second, recent advances in digital image processing provided many new applications which are described in the following. We have the honour to present here the proceedings of this Symposium. st th The Symposium took place from...
The request to organize under its patronage at Poitiers in 1998 a Symposium entitled "Advanced Optical Methods and Applications in Solid Mechanics" by...
The advent of steam turbines and the sudden rise of steam temperature at the beginning of the 20th century gave a great impetus to the start of scientific research on metal creep and high-temperature strength. Then aeronautical and aerospace exploitation in the 1940's and 1950's enlarged the scope of creep research. In this context, the first IUTAM Symposium on "Creep in Structures" was held at Stanford University in July 1960, and about 60 participants from seven countries around the world discussed their recent results on this problem. Subsequent innovation in science and technology, as in...
The advent of steam turbines and the sudden rise of steam temperature at the beginning of the 20th century gave a great impetus to the start of scient...
This Volume constitutes the Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on 'Scaling Laws in Ice Mechanics and Ice Dynamics', held in Fairbanks, Alaska from 13th to 16th of June 2000. Ice mechanics deals with essentially intact ice: in this discipline, descriptions of the motion and deformation of Arctic/ Antarctic and river/lake ice call for the development of physically based constitutive and fracture models over an enormous range in scale: 0.01 m - 10 km. Ice dynamics, on the other hand, deals with the movement of broken ice: descriptions of an aggregate of ice floes call for accurate modeling of...
This Volume constitutes the Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on 'Scaling Laws in Ice Mechanics and Ice Dynamics', held in Fairbanks, Alaska from 13t...
by the author to the English edition The book aims to present a powerful new tool of computational mechanics, complex variable boundary integral equations (CV-BIE). The book is conceived as a continuation of the classical monograph by N. I. Muskhelishvili into the computer era. Two years have passed since the Russian edition of the present book. We have seen growing interest in numerical simulation of media with internal structure, and have evidence of the potential of the new methods. The evidence was especially clear in problems relating to multiple grains, blocks, cracks, inclusions and...
by the author to the English edition The book aims to present a powerful new tool of computational mechanics, complex variable boundary integral equat...