Education has traditionally been studied from the perspectives of educators, administrators, politicians and parents. However, the central actors of education: young people themselves have been left out of the study of education. This volume focuses on the lived experience of education from the perspectives of the students. It brings together the most recent and cutting edge research on the understanding of education from the perspectives of young people. It tries to understand how young people negotiate their childhoods and education in the context of different educational institutions. In...
Education has traditionally been studied from the perspectives of educators, administrators, politicians and parents. However, the central actors of e...
Child Labour in Global Society is a critical response to the modern educational regime, compulsory schooling and the 'slavery industry' in a globalizing world; to evolving and exploitative notions of 'slavery'; to definitions of 'slavery' in international law; to approaches to 'educational labour', including in international human rights law; and to cultural, common-sense and professional perspectives on 'slavery' and 'educational labour', in the light of which it is arguable that children's 'slave labour' in modern and modernizing societies is grossly under-estimated and otherwise greatly,...
Child Labour in Global Society is a critical response to the modern educational regime, compulsory schooling and the 'slavery industry' in a globalizi...
As social scientists, we are called to investigate society. A powerful component of understanding society can be found when researching the lives of children and youth. "There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children" stated Nelson Mandela. This volume provides a glimpse into the lives of children and youth; thus, The Soul of Society: A Focus on the Lives of Children & Youth.
As social scientists, we are called to investigate society. A powerful component of understanding society can be found when researching the lives of c...
Volume 8 of Sociological Studies of Children and Youth includes chapters that focus on issues of race, gender and public policy as they relate to children and youth. This volume includes empirical and theoretical works from a variety of perspectives. The chapters are divided into the following sections: (1) Children, Race, and Social Institutions; (2) Youth and Gender; (3) Youth, Theory, and Methods; (4) Urban Youth and Identity; and (5) Policy, Politics and Theory. Specific chapters address the following important topics; the impact of teachers' expectations on parents and children; how...
Volume 8 of Sociological Studies of Children and Youth includes chapters that focus on issues of race, gender and public policy as they relate to chil...
This is the fifth volume in a series which endeavours to organize, centralize and present current ideas and research in the field of child development, viewed with a sociological perspective. It contains three main sections: early childhood care; children's peer groups; and, family influence. Papers examine early childhood care; non-parental child care environments; differences in preschool cognitive skills by type of care; quality of centre care and cognitive outcomes: differences by family income; parent involvement in early childhood education and day care; negotiations of norms and...
This is the fifth volume in a series which endeavours to organize, centralize and present current ideas and research in the field of child development...
The theme of this volume, studies in macro-micro influences on children, in their pathways to adulthood is aimed at examining the points of intersect between individual and family level reactions to the socioeconomic forces buffeting all industrialised societies. The papers in this volume allow understanding of the larger context which children acquire their experience and capacities for growth.
The theme of this volume, studies in macro-micro influences on children, in their pathways to adulthood is aimed at examining the points of intersect ...
The volumes in this series illustrate how social organization and private, emotional experience are different phases of the social process. They show the steps by which emotional experience is shaped by social structural, macro-level processes and how these processes are changed by experience.
The volumes in this series illustrate how social organization and private, emotional experience are different phases of the social process. They show ...
This volume contains a diverse set of chapters that offer a good balance of quantitative and qualitative methodologies; focus on children, youth, or both children and youth; and come from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Two prominent themes of the volume are adolescents' transition to adulthood and children's time-use issues. Several chapters address each of these issues, including one examining children's labor in Senegal. Two ethnographic studies are included: one analyzes student-teacher interaction in an urban high-school math class, while the other examines friendship development...
This volume contains a diverse set of chapters that offer a good balance of quantitative and qualitative methodologies; focus on children, youth, or b...
Coming from a range of methodological and theoretical orientations, this volume showcases the lives of children and the policies that shape children's lives on five continents. Across these research articles, it becomes clear that we cannot continue to assume a certain meaning of childhood, because this concept is bound by both cultural and structural factors. Cultural expectations influence how societies view children and how children view themselves. A handful of these studies show how immigrant children and youth provide particularly interesting insight as they navigate more than one...
Coming from a range of methodological and theoretical orientations, this volume showcases the lives of children and the policies that shape children's...
The volume is organized in two parts. Following the Introduction, six chapters make up Part One, 'Empirical Studies'. Two quantitative analyses lead off: first an examination of residential mobility, peer networks and life-course transitions; second, a look at adolescents' participation in a particular social movement. Two ethnographic studies follow - here the foci are 'Zero Tolerance' school discipline policies, and female athletes' construction of femininity. A comparative content analysis of teen magazine advice columns, and a qualitative study of construction of 'adoptive family'...
The volume is organized in two parts. Following the Introduction, six chapters make up Part One, 'Empirical Studies'. Two quantitative analyses lead o...