Having been mentored by Viktor E. Frankl, the founder of logotherapy, Emeritus Professor David Guttmann authored this book so general readers may understand this approach to finding meaning in life at the point when most of us begin deeply wondering over that question, at midlife and beyond. Especially in this day and age of multiple demands on our time and seemingly non-stop obligations, we too often find that it is only when the dust settles, after a work day or work week, or even after retirement, when we begin to wonder: What is the meaning of life? The purpose? This book is a new...
Having been mentored by Viktor E. Frankl, the founder of logotherapy, Emeritus Professor David Guttmann authored this book so general readers may u...
Each year, about 33 percent of all women and 3 percent of all men murdered in the United States, are killed by a so-called intimate, a spouse, partner, or lover. Nationwide, murder by an intimate is the number one cause of death for pregnant women. And murder by an intimate is not just an American problem. A European task force recently found domestic violence accounts for 25 percent of all homicides in London, and 35 percent across England and Wales. In this timely book, van Wormer and Roberts describe the problem, and what they have seen and heard on the front lines with both women and...
Each year, about 33 percent of all women and 3 percent of all men murdered in the United States, are killed by a so-called intimate, a spouse, part...