Seth Auburn is an innocent boy, untouched by the horrors suddenly plaguing his small town. Recurring visions of a beautiful white palace high in the mountains above Ellishome, Colorado, haunt his dreams at night. When Ben, a talking tiger, appears in the meadow behind his backyard, the palace is suddenly all too real, and Ben needs Seth's help. For a shadow has arisen in Ellishome, an immortal evil in the guise of a stranger astride a black steed, twisting the hearts of the townsfolk in an eruption of madness and murder. Assembling a band of newfound friends, Ben, Seth, and his companions...
Seth Auburn is an innocent boy, untouched by the horrors suddenly plaguing his small town. Recurring visions of a beautiful white palace high in the m...
Seth Auburn is an innocent boy, untouched by the horrors suddenly plaguing his small town. Recurring visions of a beautiful white palace high in the mountains above Ellishome, Colorado, haunt his dreams at night. When Ben, a talking tiger, appears in the meadow behind his backyard, the palace is suddenly all too real, and Ben needs Seth's help. For a shadow has arisen in Ellishome, an immortal evil in the guise of a stranger astride a black steed, twisting the hearts of the townsfolk in an eruption of madness and murder. Assembling a band of newfound friends, Ben, Seth, and his companions...
Seth Auburn is an innocent boy, untouched by the horrors suddenly plaguing his small town. Recurring visions of a beautiful white palace high in the m...