The enduring wisdom of the Tao Te Ching can become a companion for your own spiritual journey.
Reportedly written by a sage named Lao Tzu over 2,500 years ago, the Tao Te Ching is one of the most succinct--and yet among the most profound--spiritual texts ever written. Short enough to read in an afternoon, subtle enough to study for a lifetime, the Tao Te Ching distills into razor-sharp poetry centuries of spiritual inquiry into the Tao--the "Way" of the natural world around us that reveals the ultimate organizing principle of the universe.
Derek Lin's...
The enduring wisdom of the Tao Te Ching can become a companion for your own spiritual journey.
The clear and compelling wisdom of the rabbinic sages can become a companion for your own spiritual journey.
At the heart of Judaism is an ethical imperative to live life from your true self, as the image and likeness of God. To do this, you must see the greatness of God manifest in all things, and therefore engage each moment with grace, humility, and justice. This imperative flowers in the words of the early Rabbis (250 BCE-250 CE), who captured God's call to be holy in Pirke Avot, a collection of pithy sayings on how best to live an ethical life.
The clear and compelling wisdom of the rabbinic sages can become a companion for your own spiritual journey.
Fresh insight into Christianity's earliest teachings can be a guide for your own spiritual journey.
The Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament, was a fearless and revolutionary religious innovator. In a society where slaveholding was commonplace and women were little more than servants, he preached a groundbreaking equality founded on a new spiritual identity. In an imperial political system that demanded unquestioning allegiance, Paul told his readers they were citizens of heaven. Yet Paul diverged from many of Jesus's own teachings about the world...
Fresh insight into Christianity's earliest teachings can be a guide for your own spiritual journey.
A fresh look at the Bible reveals a richness of insight about sex and sexuality
For some people, the Bible's perspectives on sex may seem too one-dimensional or antiquated to apply to modern-day life. Others may hold up the Bible as the ultimate moral guideline when it comes to sex and human sexuality. A close reading of the Bible reveals that while its rules and lessons about sex and sexuality may not be applicable to all people at all times, this sacred scripture does offer surprising insight into our modern sexual lives.
This intriguing guide demystifies the...
A fresh look at the Bible reveals a richness of insight about sex and sexuality
For some people, the Bible's perspectives on sex may...
Ancient words of the Buddha ("awakened one") that can become a companion for your own spiritual journey.
The Dhammapada ("Path of the Buddha's Teachings") is a daily inspiration for millions of Buddhists all over the world and for people of all spiritual traditions who have been impressed by its beauty and power. These words believed to have been spoken by the Buddha himself over 2,500 years ago contain most of Buddhism's central teachings.
Originally composed in the ancient language of Pali, this timeless text concisely and inspirationally portrays the route a...
Ancient words of the Buddha ("awakened one") that can become a companion for your own spiritual journey.
Ramakrishna experienced the truth of all religions, inspiring seekers of every creed. Now his "gospel" is made accessible to all readers.
Ramakrishna is India's greatest example of God-consciousness and mystical ecstasy in recent history. He became known to the world not merely as a saint but as a divine incarnation and a "supremely realized self." His message has inspired millions of devotees for more than a century--and now his teachings are made accessible to many more.
Introduces the fascinating world of the Indian mystic and the universal appeal of his...
Ramakrishna experienced the truth of all religions, inspiring seekers of every creed. Now his "gospel" is made accessible to all readers.
The best-selling author of The Essential Kabbalah now offers readers the best introduction to the Zohar.
The splendor and enigmatic appeal of the Zohar, the major text of the Jewish mystical tradition, has never intrigued readers of all faiths more than it does today. But how can we truly understand it?
Daniel C. Matt brings together in one place the most important teachings from the Zohar, the cornerstone of Kabbalah described as a mixture of theology, mystical psychology, anthropology, myth, and poetry alongside...
The best-selling author of The Essential Kabbalah now offers readers the best introduction to the Zohar.
The Tales of the Hasidic Masters Can Become a Companion for Your Own Spiritual Journey.
"The wisdom of the Hasidim is earthy, realistic, rooted in the simplicity of the heart. It is alive with the awareness of the holiness of Creation and the boundlessness of God's mercy, and is utterly honest about the necessity of living such awareness in loving service to all beings. It is a wisdom that fuses the highest mystical initiations with the most down-home celebration of life and a rugged commitment to social and political justice in all its forms. In other words, it is a wisdom...
The Tales of the Hasidic Masters Can Become a Companion for Your Own Spiritual Journey.
This practical resource for finding peace, meaning and God, from the pen of a sixth-century monk, can help guide your own spiritual journey.
Many people today are realizing that the cultural focus on competition, success, acquisition and constant busyness is ultimately not satisfying. They hunger for a way of life that has more lasting value and deeper meaning. For centuries, people within and outside Christianity have turned to the writings of Benedict of Nursia, a sixth-century monk committed to shaping a life of humility and compassion, to guide their spiritual lives. His Rule...
This practical resource for finding peace, meaning and God, from the pen of a sixth-century monk, can help guide your own spiritual journey.
The restless heart and searching mind of this influential early church father can offer spiritual and intellectual companionship for your spiritual journey.
Augustine of Hippo (354-430), theologian, priest, and bishop, is one of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity. He is known as much for his long interior struggle that ended with conversion and baptism at age thirty-two as for his influential teachings on human will, original sin and the theology of just war. Cherished as a model for the pursuit of a life of spiritual grace and...
The restless heart and searching mind of this influential early church father can offer spiritual and intellectual companionship for your s...