In this groundbreaking study, Jean Bobby Nobel maps historical similarities in fictional, cultural, and representational practices between the periods of modernism and postmodernism -- from 1918 to 1999. Noble looks at nineteenth-century sexology, drama, and trial transcripts, and at late twenthieth-century counter-cultural texts, popular film and documentaries, and theoretical texts. Arguing that the masculine female figure that appears in the late twentieth-century culture and fiction has much in common with that of the late nineteenth century, she illustrates the ways in which both are...
In this groundbreaking study, Jean Bobby Nobel maps historical similarities in fictional, cultural, and representational practices between the peri...
The government of Alberta in the 1990s actively contested the legal rights of sexual minority citizens. Provincial premier Ralph Klein defended this position by claiming that most Albertans, whom he characterized as "severely normal," were not in favor of recognizing homosexuality as a protected category in the provincial human rights code.
Gloria Filax explores how youth identities have been constructed through dominant and often competing discourses about youth, sexuality, and gender, and how queer youth in the province of Alberta negotiated the contradictions of these discourses....
The government of Alberta in the 1990s actively contested the legal rights of sexual minority citizens. Provincial premier Ralph Klein defended thi...