A collection of review talks and popular science papers by Lev Okun. The talks were given at major international conferences on elementary particle physics during the 1980s. The papers discuss experimental tests of fundamental physical principles and the concept of mass in relativity theory.
A collection of review talks and popular science papers by Lev Okun. The talks were given at major international conferences on elementary particle ph...
Presents applications to several fluid dynamics problems both in bounded and unbounded domains in the framework of the discrete velocity models of kinetic theory. The proposition of new models for dense gases, gases with multi-components and gases with che
Presents applications to several fluid dynamics problems both in bounded and unbounded domains in the framework of the discrete velocity models of kin...
This work deals with analytic problems related to some developments and generalizations of the Boltzmann equation toward the modeling and qualitative analysis of large systems that are of interest in applied sciences. These generalizations are documented in the various surveys edited by Bellomo and Pulvirenti with reference to models of granular media, traffic flow, mathematical biology, communication networks, and coagulation models. The above literature motivates applied mathematicians to study the Cauchy problem and to develop an asymptotic analysis for models regarded as developments of...
This work deals with analytic problems related to some developments and generalizations of the Boltzmann equation toward the modeling and qualitative ...
Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are powerful mathematical tools for modelling and controlling uncertain systems in industry, humanity and nature; they are facilitators for approximate reasoning in decision making in the absence of complete and precise information. Their role is significant when applied to complex phenomena not easily described by traditional mathematics. The text provides an introductory course (with examples and problems), which brings in a systematic way fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic into the educational university and college system. It is designed to serve as a basic text for...
Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are powerful mathematical tools for modelling and controlling uncertain systems in industry, humanity and nature; they are ...
Recent applications of laser based techniques in studying surface processes have stimulated new developments in energy transfer and reactions. This text, along with volume 1, includes discussions on spectroscopic techniques, energy transfer, desorption dynamics and photochemistry.
Recent applications of laser based techniques in studying surface processes have stimulated new developments in energy transfer and reactions. This te...
Until recently, the Mori-Zwanzig projection operator method, though powerful and simple, has been considered as a half-heuristic one. This book is concerned to a rigorous generalization of this method, as well as its applications to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. The well-known idea of the description of dynamical system evolution in terms of collective dynamical variables has been developed to a functional perturbation theory, which results in the master equation of any given accuracy. Examples of statistical mechanics applications of the method include a linearized transport theory...
Until recently, the Mori-Zwanzig projection operator method, though powerful and simple, has been considered as a half-heuristic one. This book is con...
- An application-oriented introduction to computational numerical methods for PDE - Complete with numerous exercise sets and solutions - Includes Windows programs in C++ language
- An application-oriented introduction to computational numerical methods for PDE - Complete with numerous exercise sets and solutions - Include...
The subject of this book is time. The three global problems of natural science - those of the origin of the universe, life and consciousness - cannot be solved without finding out the nature of time. Without a good construction of time it is impossible to describe, to qualify, to forecast and to control various processes in the animate and inanimate nature. Special attention is paid to the ways of adequate inclusion of the properties of time in the derivation of the fundamental equations of motion for natural systems.
The subject of this book is time. The three global problems of natural science - those of the origin of the universe, life and consciousness - cannot ...