When compiling the present atlas our aim has been to provide the practis ing radiotherapist with a handbook which would help him to plan the radiation therapy of tumours of individual organs. Apart from a few ex ceptions, all isodose charts in this atlas show dose distributions resulting from external irradiation. Combination of external irradiation with intra cavitary radium therapy is presented in the treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix, in which case the two techniques are complementary. Thd immense material of the pertinent literature could, naturally, not have been included in...
When compiling the present atlas our aim has been to provide the practis ing radiotherapist with a handbook which would help him to plan the radiation...
The rapid growth of fibre-optic endoscopy in recent than 7,500 examinations has been accumulated. years has had two consequences for the radiology of In part I of this study the theoretical background the stomach and the duocienum. and the technique of examination proper are de- scribed. The basic principles of interpretation of DC 1. Radiology has lost its previously rather auton- studies are stated. omous position in this field. Part II deals with the results. Chapter 5 consists of 2. As a result of the constant feed-back from the general remarks on the results, and on the comple-...
The rapid growth of fibre-optic endoscopy in recent than 7,500 examinations has been accumulated. years has had two consequences for the radiology of ...
tic knowledge, a multidisciplinary approach is indis Over the past 60 years, radiology has progressively uncovered the human body. At first a fleshless skele pensable: clinicians, radiologists, surgeons, radio therapists, and pathologists must all contribute their ton for global study, the body then appeared in slices, until with present techniques its smallest respective inputs for every patient referred. More over, experience is acquired through knowledge of structures are revealed. The physician at the com cases whose diagnosis is certain, and with which new puter console is constantly...
tic knowledge, a multidisciplinary approach is indis Over the past 60 years, radiology has progressively uncovered the human body. At first a fleshles...
In 1983 and 1984, I had the pleasure of being invited to Europe for the Cour- se of Hepatobiliary Surgery started by Professor Hepp and continued by Pro- fessor Bismuth. In these courses, I demonstrated many slides and movies of intraoperative echography that Makuuchi, one of my staff members, had made using the transducer that he was the first to develop. The topic of Intraoperative Echography had an enormous impact on the audience, and its use has since spread rapidly over the European countries, by virtue of the first Italian edition of Professor Gozzetti's book on Intra- operative...
In 1983 and 1984, I had the pleasure of being invited to Europe for the Cour- se of Hepatobiliary Surgery started by Professor Hepp and continued by P...
Magnetic resonance imaging has already become a most valuable imaging modality in the diagnostic work-up of musculoskeletal neoplasms. While high accuracy of MRI for staging purposes has been proven, we will focus in this monograph on the characterization of primary bone and soft tissue tumors by MRI. The major purpose of this monograph is to provide an atlas of magnetic resonance features of primary bone and soft tissue tumors for radiologists, orthopedic surgeons and physiotherapists. The results presented are based on investigations of 94 primary bone and soft tissue tumors and mimicking...
Magnetic resonance imaging has already become a most valuable imaging modality in the diagnostic work-up of musculoskeletal neoplasms. While high accu...
I am particularly pleased to be able to write the introduction to this book that resulted from a collaborative effort by the Radiology De- partment, under the auspices of the Boerhaave Committee for Postgraduate Medical Education of the Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Leiden and the Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences at Van- derbilt University. Magnetic resonance imaging affords the opportunity to interrogate organ and system structure and function in a nondestructive manner without se- rious biological implications. Tissue contrast with this modality is ex-...
I am particularly pleased to be able to write the introduction to this book that resulted from a collaborative effort by the Radiology De- partment, u...