In the short time since the publication of the Handbook of Positive Psychology esearch results on the psychology of human strengths have proliferated. However, no major volume has documented the methods and theory used to achieve these results. Oxford Handbook of Methods in PositivePsychology fills this need, providing a broad overview of diverse contemporary methods in positive psychology.
With contributions from both leading scholars and promising young investigators, the handbook serves to illuminate and, at times, challenge traditional approaches....
In the short time since the publication of the Handbook of Positive Psychology esearch results on the psychology of human strengths have prol...
A Life Worth Living brings together the latest thought on Positive Psychology from an international cast of scholars. It includes historical, philosophical, and empirical reviews of what psychologists have found to matter for personal happiness and well-being. The contributions to this volume agree on priciples of optimal development that start from purely material and selfish concerns, but then lead to ever broader circles of responsibility embracing the goals of others and the well-being of the environment; on the importance of spirituality; on the development of strengths specific...
A Life Worth Living brings together the latest thought on Positive Psychology from an international cast of scholars. It includes historical,...
While scholars in political science, social psychology, and mass communications have made notable contributions to understanding democratic citizenship, they concentrate on very different dimensions of citizenship. The current volume challenges this fragmentary pattern of inquiry, and adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of citizenship that offers new insights and integrates previously disparate research agendas. It also suggests the possibility of informed interventions aimed at meeting new challenges faced by citizens in modern democracies.
The volume is organized...
While scholars in political science, social psychology, and mass communications have made notable contributions to understanding democratic citizenshi...
Positive psychology exploded into public consciousness 10 years ago and has continued to capture attention around the world ever since. The movement promised to study positive human nature, using only the most rigorous scientific tools and theories. How well has this promise been fulfilled? This book evaluates the first decade of this fledgling field of study from the perspective of nearly every leading researcher in the field.
Scholars in the areas of social, personality, clinical, biological, emotional, and applied psychology take stock of their fields, while bearing in mind the...
Positive psychology exploded into public consciousness 10 years ago and has continued to capture attention around the world ever since. The movement p...
The concept of passion is one we regularly use to describe our interests, and yet there is no broad theory that can explain the development and consequences of passion for activities across people's lives. In The Psychology of Passion, Robert J. Vallerand presents the first such theory, providing a complete presentation of the Dualistic Model of Passion and the empirical evidence that supports it. Vallerand conceives of two types of passion: harmonious passion, which remains under the person's control, and obsessive passion, which controls the person. While the first typically leads...
The concept of passion is one we regularly use to describe our interests, and yet there is no broad theory that can explain the development and conseq...
The field of positive psychology has blossomed over the past fifteen years due to its uplifting perspective as well as research findings demonstrating the effectiveness of its practical applications for enhancing individual and organizational well-being. The concepts within positive psychology including focusing on personal strengths, positive emotions, well-being, and factors related to success and thriving can connect with an inner sense of hope and motivation for growth and constructive change. There is a congruency between these concepts of positive psychology and the focus on...
The field of positive psychology has blossomed over the past fifteen years due to its uplifting perspective as well as research findings demonstrating...
Positive Psychotherapy: Workbook guides readers through a session-by-session therapeutic approach based on the principles of positive psychology, an exciting new area of study examining the factors that enable us to flourish.
Positive Psychotherapy: Workbook guides readers through a session-by-session therapeutic approach based on the principles of positive psychology, an e...