A seemingly simple tale of schoolboys marooned on an island, Lord of the Flies has proven to be one of the most enigmatic and provocative pieces of literature ever published. This casebook probes the many layers of meaning in the novel, examining its literary, philosophical, historical, scientific, and religious significance. Beginning with a literary analysis that explores the universality of the novel's characters, the story is considered as subversion of the adventure tale, comparing it to such classics as Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe. From these literary...
A seemingly simple tale of schoolboys marooned on an island, Lord of the Flies has proven to be one of the most enigmatic and provocative pi...
This analysis of the remaining obstacles to achieving gender equality begins by presenting aspects of the gender earnings gap, and continues by examining the gender difference in employment patterns, with a look at gender differences in job and worker mobility, tax and poverty.
This analysis of the remaining obstacles to achieving gender equality begins by presenting aspects of the gender earnings gap, and continues by examin...