The figure of the intellectual emerged in Spain in the second half of the nineteenth century, and Azorin (Jose Martinez Ruiz) and Miguel de Unamuno explored the critical and creative possibilities of this new role in their writings. This comparative study of these authors' prose writings on landscape focuses on the literary personae of the artist-intellectual that both Azorin and Unamuno cultivated and on their innovative use of the article form. The principal body of the study is dedicated to each author's extension of the narrative of literary self-creation beyond the boundaries of the...
The figure of the intellectual emerged in Spain in the second half of the nineteenth century, and Azorin (Jose Martinez Ruiz) and Miguel de Unamuno ex...
This volume offers a distinct interpretation of the genesis of one of the most fascinating genres of Spanish medieval literature, the fifteenth-century Spanish sentimental novel. This work examines the seminal importance of Historia de duobus amantibus, a work by Eneas Silvio Piccolomini, later known as Pope Pius II, in the development of the novel genre in Spain which originates with the acclaimed piece by Juan Rodriguez del Padron: Siervo libre de amor."
This volume offers a distinct interpretation of the genesis of one of the most fascinating genres of Spanish medieval literature, the fifteenth-centur...
This exciting study is essential reading for students and scholars of theater. It challenges the premise of most critical interpretations of the comedia, which are based on the notion of the originality of Lope de Vega's dramatic theory and practice and his repudiation of Classical models and the Senecan style, which formed the nucleus of sixteenth-century tragedy., a popular but short-lived form."
This exciting study is essential reading for students and scholars of theater. It challenges the premise of most critical interpretations of the comed...
This exciting novel offers a fresh look at the spiritual hunger of Peru's youth and he search for their place in society. Talented author/physician Elias Hasbun, M.D., shows with great mastery and originality the inner quest of the military cadets through a physical and spiritual escape. This quest shows a perfect panorama of Peruvian society with a special focus on the role of religious and military powers. With a pessimistic vision of today's society and a literature of contrasts, La Fuga shows a group of young men stepping away from reality and embracing a set of pure spiritual values...
This exciting novel offers a fresh look at the spiritual hunger of Peru's youth and he search for their place in society. Talented author/physician El...