Science Series supports children needing additional, focused instruction in physical science, biology or chemistry. With content based on state and national standards, these books can be used as a stand-alone resource or as a supplement for other science materials including basals. Each book contains key terms, specific topic instruction, and review activities in standardized test format, puzzles, a glossary and a bound-in answer key.
Science Series supports children needing additional, focused instruction in physical science, biology or chemistry. With content based on state and na...
This academic, multi-author reference work serves as a general and non-technical resource for students and teachers to understand the importance of energy; to appreciate the influence of energy on societies around the world; to learn the history of energy; and to initiate educational discussion brought forth by the specific social and topical articles presented in the work. SCOPE AND COVERAGE From Alaska to China to Brazil and around the world, energy is the fuel of modern civilization. The United States alone, which constitutes 5 percent of the world's population, consumes 24 percent of the...
This academic, multi-author reference work serves as a general and non-technical resource for students and teachers to understand the importance of en...