Durch den Ausbau und die Verbesserung des bestehenden öffentlichen Verkehrs sollen im Rahmen der Verkehrswende Anreize zur Stärkung des Umweltverbundes geschaffen werden. Der Einsatz kommerzieller Fahrdienste mit fahrerlosen Shuttlebussen bietet dabei Vorteile für die Transporteffizienz, Verkehrssicherheit und Mobilisierung der Bevölkerung. Entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung ist die Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung. Hemmnisse für die Nutzung liegen im Wechsel vom motorisierten Individualverkehr zum öffentlichen Kollektivverkehr mit möglicherweise unbekannten Mitreisenden und in...
Durch den Ausbau und die Verbesserung des bestehenden öffentlichen Verkehrs sollen im Rahmen der Verkehrswende Anreize zur Stärkung des Umweltverbun...
The societal effects of the aging society are one of the biggest challenges in the Western world. Growing old is often accompanied by multi- and co-morbidities, such as hypertension, diabetes, or arthritis, but also age-related problems, such as loss of muscle mass, walking instabilities, and more. As a consequence, the need for care and dependency on other people increases. In conjunction with the ongoing demographic change of population and medical needs related to older age, there is an increasing shortage of healthcare workers which is estimated to worsen in the next years. In order to...
The societal effects of the aging society are one of the biggest challenges in the Western world. Growing old is often accompanied by multi- and co-mo...
Cameras as part of AAL technologies could play a significant role in future healthcare and elderly care, addressing challenges of demographic shifts. Visual sensors offer benefits like enhancing independence for older adults and easing caregiver workloads. However, privacy concerns substantially affect acceptance, requiring a deeper understanding of users' needs and perceptions. This work aimed to address gaps by exploring privacy and acceptance factors for video-based AAL systems through a multi-stage empirical approach.The first stage examined privacy perceptions in daily life, highlighting...
Cameras as part of AAL technologies could play a significant role in future healthcare and elderly care, addressing challenges of demographic shifts. ...