The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman's quest for redemption. Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular manga titles of all time. Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious power, now fights to protect the honor of those in need. Isurugi Raijuta, a truly old-school swordsman, comes to Kenshin and requests his aid in reforming the state of swordsmanship schools in Japan. Although Kenshin is intrigued by...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman's quest for redemption. Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's <...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman's quest for redemption. Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular manga titles of all time. Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious power, now fights to protect the honor of those in need. When former Shinsengumi captain Saito Hajime arrives on the steps of Kamiya dojo, he challenges Kenshin to a duel that will force a reawakening of Kenshin's past. Then, Kenshin...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman's quest for redemption. Action, romance, and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's <...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman's quest for redemption. Action, romance and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, the tale of a wandering swordsman set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, one of the most popular manga titles of all time With his sakabato shattered, Kenshin seeks the only swordsmith who can forge him a new blade. Instead, he finds one of Shishio's elite assassins waiting to take his head Not even Kenshin can win this battle unarmed. What's more, his training remains incomplete. At long last, Kenshin...
The beloved landmark tale of a Meiji-era swordsman's quest for redemption. Action, romance and historical intrigue help make Nobuhiro Watsuki's Ru...