Re-issuing books originally published between 1969 and 1990 this set of 15 volumes gives a 20 year perspective on the development of the discipline of social geography. The books emphasize the increasingly important contribution of geographical theory to the understanding of social change, values, economic and political organization and ethical imperatives. The volumes are authored by well-known international geographers and discuss the philosophy and sociology of geography as well as key themes such as the geography of health, crime, space. They also examine the cross-over of geography with...
Re-issuing books originally published between 1969 and 1990 this set of 15 volumes gives a 20 year perspective on the development of the discipline of...
This book presents original research into contemporary geographical aspects of the study of crime. The contributors, drawn from different disciplines within the social sciences and from various countries, give a review of the subject which provides a valuable insight into the geography of crime. Their approaches range from the behavioural to the environmental, and the crimes dealt with include violent crime and residential burglary. The book examines data sources, discusses different crimes and ways of studying them and considers the fear of crime. The criminal justice system in the UK is...
This book presents original research into contemporary geographical aspects of the study of crime. The contributors, drawn from different disciplines ...
This book examines the works of the outstanding makers of modern geography and demonstrates the consistency of idea and purpose in their work. Geography as an explicitly defined field of knowledge is more than two thousand years old, but as a university subject, geography is only 150 years old, and in this period it has developed hugely. This study traces the development of modern geography as an organized body of knowledge, in the light of the works of its foremost German and French contributors.
This book examines the works of the outstanding makers of modern geography and demonstrates the consistency of idea and purpose in their work. Geograp...
This book considers the social and geographical context in which the National Health Service (NHS) operated during the 1970s and 1980s. It argues that disease and health care systems are the product to a large degree of the wider social and cultural context. It explores the relationship between health, work, poverty, housing, class and culture. examines how resource allocation and social policies are determined by the wider social and cultural context. discusses how the health of the nation, broadly defined should best be managed. As relevant today as when it was originally published,...
This book considers the social and geographical context in which the National Health Service (NHS) operated during the 1970s and 1980s. It argues that...